Transforer Prime or wait


Dec 12, 2011
Hi Everyone

been looking and waiting for while for getting a tablet, my favorite one at the moment is the prime but am i better off waiting to see whats going to be coming out with similar specs.
The TF300 is out. This has the same processor, but slightly underclocked (1.2 instead of 1.3 GHz if I recall) and slightly less battery life. The TF300 is basically a TF101 replacement. It is also a hair thicker than the Prime, but it is an awesome tablet. It has a plastic back instead of metal so it is no WiFi or GPS issues.

In the states you can pick up a 32 GB one for $399. It is probably also £399 in the UK, but most are being sold as kits with the keyboard. I was looking for another chap who was interested in just the tablet and to ship it from BHPhoto in New York to the UK it ended up being about £359 including import taxes and 3-5 day shipping because of the exchange rate. There is also a 16 GB version, but it is $379 USD. For the $20, I would get the bigger one.

Beyond that, the TF700 is due out next which will be a Tegra3 1.6 GHz quad core and 1080p screen (1920x1200 actually). No word on release date yet, and it is rumored to be $599 USD when released for the 32 GB version.
i have the tf 300.i got this over the prime most best buys have these 2slates next to each other
I don't really like the design of the asus tf300 the other tablets i was thinking of waiting for where the acer A700 or new toshiba excite 10
I don't really like the design of the asus tf300 the other tablets i was thinking of waiting for where the acer A700 or new toshiba excite 10

Both of those look like they will be really nice tablets but if you're going to wait anyway you might want to look at the Transformer 700T. The specs are really sweet.