Trouble trying to root with Mac


Feb 9, 2011
I am following the instructions from NookColor Rooting - nookDevs but when in terminal and type: " dd if=auto-nooter-3.0.0.img of=/dev/disk1 " I get the error message that "no such file or directory exists".

I cannot copy the auto-nooter files onto the microSD card. Does anyone know what Im doing wrong?
Please Help! Thanks

I am following the instructions from NookColor Rooting - nookDevs but when in terminal and type: " dd if=auto-nooter-3.0.0.img of=/dev/disk1 " I get the error message that "no such file or directory exists".

I cannot copy the auto-nooter files onto the microSD card. Does anyone know what Im doing wrong?
Please Help! Thanks

Hi Laura
I'm having exactly the same problem as you. How did you solve it? Moving the img file to the desktop and typing cd desktop into terminal hasn't helped. I'm pulling my hair out!

Thanks in anticipation!

OK Update, a bloody little typo , when I thought I had checked and doublechecked, I missed something in the cut and paste of the commands - sorry!
It seems to have worked - yay!
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