Trying to use other apps with my Nook Color


Nov 13, 2011
I have tried and tried to root my nook. One of the moderators on here has been so very patient with me, but for some reason I am unable to finish it. Keep getting a message "The application settings ( has stopped working unexpectedly. Please try again. I have been trying to do step #2 below. Getting pretty frustrating. My Nook Color is a refurbished one, don't know if that matters or not. Anyway since I have not been lucky enough to do step #2 would someone please help me step number 1. I want to be able to download android apps. Or is this just a waste of my time. I really appreciate all the help that J515op gave to me but for some reason just would not work. I have put it back to factory but now can't even get the keyboard to work right now.

I am not really tech smart so I really need good instructions, please.

1. You can root your Nook which will leave the Barnes & Noble setup intact but open it up to more Android features such as third party apps and the Google and Amazon App Stores. This is good if you like the features of the stock Nook in favor of losing some of the better tablet features custom ROMs provide.

2. You can install a custom ROM that will completely replace the default B&N system. These custom ROMs are more directly built off of Android and giver you a much more pure Android experience than the B&N ROM. They also offer tablet tweaks to make your Nook more usable as a tablet as well as performance tweaks allowing you Nook to run faster.

Thank you
Hi, hope your surgery went well. If you really don't feel like trying again to make a bootable cm7 card on your own, you can buy it, other people on this forum did it after trying few times on their own.
They call them N2A( nook to android) , I found a link for you, but there might be other.
Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
I still have all the files I need to do this with. I just didn't know if or what I was doing wrong. I am willing to try any way to get my Nook Color rooted. Will you help me please.
I just wanted to say, I agree with "idontknow". I bought the n2a card and have been very happy with it. And their customer service is top notch!

Sent from my HTC Aria using Android Tablet Forum
Please post in the correct area. The Technical section would be the place for rooting questions and help. :) If you are unable to follow the instructions and root your Nook yourself, I suggest buying a Nook2Android card. They are very highly regarded and have great customer service. All you have to do is put it in the Nook's SD card slot and you're done. It will allow you to book into the Nook stock OS or a full Android OS. You'll have access to the Market and everything else. Well worth the money for those not tech savvy.