Two Roommates Stab Each Other Over Android & iPhone Argument


Editor in Chief
Staff member
Jan 5, 2011

The internet is awash in trolls who lurk in comment sections of blogs ready to jump down each other's throats to "debate" (and debase each other) over Android vs. iPhone. This latest news report coming out of Tulsa, Oklahoma may have just found the two "Idiot Kings" of this behavior.

Two roommates in the Evergreen Apartments were taken to the hospital after stabbing each other over an argument as to which mobile platform was better than the other. The altercation occurred at 1am on Friday morning and devolved into smashing beer bottles on each other and then stabbing each other repeatedly.

Both of the boneheads survived and were treated for their wounds. Police have not yet decided whether they will charge either mobile gladiator. Perhaps they were lucky there wasn't a third roommate who was a Windows Phone user... all three might have ended up with posthumous Darwin awards. :)

Let this be a lesson folks... it's fine to have a favorite technology, but there's room enough in this world to like multiple platforms, and arguments can obviously be taken way too far. Just remember, if we didn't have the competition between Apple, Google, Microsoft & others, then smartphones likely wouldn't have evolved so quickly and given us such amazing capabilities!

Source: BGR