Uberoid Gamer Edition [10-01-11]


Oct 26, 2010


WARNiNG!: Keep power connected, this rom is about 190MB so it takes a lot of time to load. It takes about 8-10mins to finish copying files and first boot also takes 8-10mins.

0.4c Uberoid Gamer Edition:

Welcome to Uberoid Gamer Edition, this file will explain a all you need to know. This Uberoid is not that different from the original, GScript is included, that fixes the reversed cam/gsensor with included scripts, just navigate to your home dir in the file manager, copy .sh script(s) to sd and run them in GScript, your tablet will reboot and all will be fine. 3 new apps Hyreader, HackADroid and Tapatalk) are included and 68 Games!

Download: -=[HcH's TechKnow]=- (185MB)
Thank you! I haven't been here for a while and now a nice new ROM to check out! Great!
very cool romanticevil, is this your own creation?
Hi probbiethe1, it's a bit my own creation. Most credit must go to HidePerso who did Rudroid on which this was based, then drivers update, hostfile (adblock), boost boottime, boost performance and so on is done by me, you might want to check Uberoid's changelog for more specific details about the improvements from that version on. Next ROM I'll do is for the M006, which will be factory based.

It was however more than horrible to test out the games, I've tried seriously over 600 games!!! just 70 work proper. Took loads of time and reboots hehe.

Hey MrHabaki! You're very welcome! Seems to pay off to check once in a while for updates :) hope you will enjoy this.
Hello everybody! I'm new here and whenever I check the firmware available, testingon my tablet WM8650 Chinese Froyo7 Android 2.2 inches. I've used the Modroidand the Uberoid. All worked perfectly.

I wonder if this is a new version of Uberoid. And if so, I wonder if it is available for use in all or some tablets.

Hugs to all and congratulations RomanticEvil and others involved in anothersuccessful project.

Thank you.