Ubuntu App


Apr 1, 2012
I got Ubuntu running on my C91 512MB....along with wireless keyboard and mouse....its usuable but it is a little pokey....I was going to try to get it

to run faster, but I was wondering if anyone is experimenting with the ubuntu app and specifically....can I run an ubuntu off-shoot like MINT or ULTIMATE

using the ubuntu app? The iso file is a 3.5GB image, but I was wondering if there is any difference between the standard Linux distribution iso file, and the

ubuntu app's iso file? I would like to try to adapt other versions of linux to use this app....my main goal would be XBMC on a C91....now that would be cool.
If I could suggest a lightweight distro, that Is still very useful. I would say look into trying peppermint Linux (Peppermint OS) I run this on a old Panasonic tough book and it run awesome.