Unaligned Home Button on ASUS TF300T with Jellybean 4.2.1


Jun 30, 2013
Hi guys, I'm new here so sorry for any rule breaking or anything like that!! :p

So I have this weird problem on my Asus Transformer TF300T (Jellybean 4.2.1). In landscape mode, my system buttons (or are they called hot keys..?) seem to not be aligned. However, in portrait mode, the keys are centered and seem normal. I've seen videos and pictures of other tablets (TF300T‘s) having the keys being centered in landscape mode, so I find it strange that my tablet has this anomaly. It does not have any real negative consequences besides the slight annoyance due to me being super OCD about this haha.

I put up some pictures (hopefully they work - I uploaded them on some URLs as well as doing the attachment option) to show what I mean. I posted the landscape and portrait screenshots (including and excluding the lock bar option for landscape, showing its not due to the lock bar) of my homepage. The all apps button is centered so it can be used as a reference.

Landscape home screenshot:

Landscape home screenshot w/o lock bar:

Portrait home screenshot:

Does anyone have any idea why this may be happening, or anyone have any related problems? I have restarted my tablet multiple times and such. Finally, I'm posting this because I have never found anyone else mentioning this problem before...

Thanks in advanced for any help!



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Welcome to the forum!

Hmm, odd that they are off just a touch. I am guessing all of them are like that, but I am not sure because I do not have a TF300T. Might want to post this at TransformerForums.com, a sister site dedicated to the TF series. It has a lot more traffic than the Asus section of this forum.
I am checking this out with an Asus rep at TFF, but just wanted to confirm that you are stock and not runing a custom ROM.

Asus rep confirmed that his is off center too. Hopefully it gets fixed in a future update.

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Hi, Frederuco! Thank you for your reply!

But yes, I am using the stock ROM for this tablet, albeit updated from JB 4.1.X to 4.2.1. And I guess I am kind of glad that I am not alone on this issue (although that kinda sounds bad haha)!

I have seen a video of a person showing the new Jellybean 4.2 with what is said to be the TF300 on YouTube. From what I could tell, their keys were centered "correctly."

I just think this problem is so strange though haha. Hopefully there will be an update for a fix in the future, since that'd be nice. However if only a few people have this problem, then the chances of it being fixed immediately/quickly are possibly kind of slim...

And thank you for the forum reference! I'll be sure to check it out if I have any future problems and if I feel like I should post this problem there too!