Unit Won't Recharge


Dec 26, 2011
Received a Steak 7 As a Gift in August after 3 Charges found that unit won't recharge. Spoke with Dell. They walked me through all the troubleshooting formulas and nothing worked. They suggested that I send it back for repairs. Sent unit back. It was returned to me three weeks later. Worked for a few days. After charging it twice, unit wouldn't recharge again. Called Dell. They sent me a new one. After a week, had the same problem again in that the unit would not recharge. Sent it in for repairs. Had the same problem again when it came back. They sent a second new one. Experienced the same problems. Called Dell. They asked me to send it back for repairs or they would send another new one. Told them that I was tired with getting defective products and I was sending it back and no longer wanted the product. Has anyone else had this problem?