unknown tablet wont boot need firmware


Apr 7, 2012
i have an unknown tablet which on the box says superpad i7

here is the link to the device: eBay - The UK's Online Marketplace

basically the tablet wont boot first it says the green android, then the penguin in the top left corner,
then the grey android with pulsating underscore then just a black screen. i suspect it needs new firmware but have no idea where to get it
thank you
Not sure what section your question belong in as this is not a flytouch-type clone (AFAIK)... but
If it is brand-new, I'd work thru the seller and/or Ebay to resolve it... like get a replacement.

Id be willing to say there is some sort of 'recovery procedure' on it, but NO CLUE what it would be.

Kno thats not much help, but... there it is... :)
it is a superpocket i7 perhaps a superpad clone?
i cant contact the seller as i have requested the firmware but he is just making excuses!
maybe someone who has the same tablet could make a dump of the f/w perhaps?
Tell him to stop making excuses and start talking to Ebay...
In the meantime,
hopefully someone will see this and be able to help! :)
"Dear Customer,

Please try download software from 91 Download Center - game download - 91.com or online website. It is common software.

The firmware is over 100MB and can not be sent via email. (maximum is 10MB for email).


this is the email i recieved shortly after asking him to email me the f/w if it was that simple i wouldnt need to ask for help XD
the super pocket i7 is infact a p752 superpad i7 just renamed
link to droduct:"http://it168.en.alibaba.com/product/493592497-210211870/7_p752_superpad_i7_Android_tablet_PC_Android_2_3_Ultra_slim_0_9cm_camera_HDMI_WiFi_Newest.html"