Unlock A2109 Boot Loader with Ubuntu


Jan 20, 2013
Unlock your android A2109 boot loader with Ubuntu.


These are general instructions on how to enable fastboot on the Lenovo A2109 within linux. This was achieved on a Lenovo T500 running Kubuntu 12.04 32 bit. This forum and others provided information in making this possible. Some expectation of knowledge of Linux, and Debian based distros is expected when this is written. If you need details please ask and hopefully myself or someone else can point you in the right direction. Sources are listed at the end of the post.

There should be no reason that this doesn't work on other distributions such as Debian, Arch, Linux Mint, Fedora, Goose (joke), and Jelly Lime Aid (I couldn't help it). Though it may differ use the forums for your distribution as that should clear up anything that is particular to your problem.

Update: 2013-01-27, these instructions should work with a Mac. This was done by member cordoba who states:
This totally worked on mac OS X (except you don't need steps 6-8 for mac: Using Hardware Devices | Android Developers), and I used the ADT bundle, so I didn't really need to do any setup beyond unzipping.
To sum this up your device should be recognized by OS X with no problem and you won't need to do steps 6 to 8. Thank you cordoba for this information. I have not tested this and I don't own a apple computer, so please ask a apple user if you need specific help.

1) First you need to install the android sdk.

Download from here:
Android SDK | Android Developers

General Setup Instructions:
Setting Up an Existing IDE | Android Developers

To make this a little more clear, extract the compressed file to where you would like it and...

2) Allowing access to the android sdk commands from anywhere. Edit your .bashrc file in your home folder with the following lines:

# AndroidDEV PATH
export PATH=${PATH}:(YOUR_PATH)/android-sdk-linux/tools
export PATH=${PATH}:(YOUR_PATH)/android-sdk-linux/platform-tools

Replace (YOUR_PATH) with the path leading up to android-sdk-linux.

3) You may login and logout of your session to make the settings effective. If it doesn't work, then a reboot should solve the problem. Remember to install dependencies described in the SDK General Setup Instructions.

4) Type in “android” this should bring up a gtk screen called “Android SDK Manager” this allows you to download android sdk tools. Select all options in the “Tools” folder and click “Install Packages”.

5) Once the download is done verify that android sdk works by typing “adb version” and you should get something to:
“Android Debug Bridge version 1.0.31”

6) To get your device recognized you need to add a udev rule, I used the following:
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTR{idVendor}=="17ef", ATTR{ifProduct}=="7542", MODE="0666"

7) An easy way to write the rule is to run “sudo nano /etc/udev/rules.d/51-android.rules” Then enter in the new udev rule from step 6 and save the file.

8) Run, “sudo service udev restart” to load the new rule.

9) You also need to enable usb debugging on your tablet in order for it to be recognized:
Go to “System settings”, then scroll to “System” and under system click “Developer Options” and under “Debugging” Enable “USB debugging”.

10) Connect your tablet to your Ubuntu pc and with the command “adb devices” it should list:
FD60241570 device

Or something similar, if it doesn't check all your settings, and reboot your pc because Windows trained us that way.

11) If you want to backup your settings and data use the command “adb backup -apk -shared -all -f (YOUR_PATH)/backup.ab”

Replace (YOUR_PATH) with the path leading to where you would like the backup to be. Watch your tablet screen, it will ask if you would like this action too continue. Select the option that allows you to backup your data.


12) Next put your tablet into fastboot mode with “adb reboot bootloader”

13) You should see a text screen with some options on your tablet. Next you will want to run the command “sudo fastboot -i 0x17ef oem unlock”

14) Type in your sudo password, watch for your tablet screen to ask if you want to continue unlocking. Highlight the option that allows you to unlock via the volume down and select that option with volume up.

15) The tablet will boot a factory reset now. Go threw step 9 again, this is the step you did when setting up usb the first time but again repeat enabling the “USB debugging” in “Developer Options” again.

16) To restore your tablet data run the command “adb restore (YOUR_PATH)/backup.ab”

Replace (YOUR_PATH) with the path leading to where your backup is. Watch you tablet screen, it will ask if you would like this action to continue. Select the option that allows you to restore your data.

You should now have a unlocked bootloader and have done it all in linux. Enjoy! You may have to unplug and plug the tablet back in at times to get it recognized. Remember to use “adb devices” to make sure it is being found.

Fastboot for windows:
Backup your Android Device:
[GUIDE] Full Phone Backup without Unlock or Root - xda-developers
Udev rules:
How to connect your Android phone to Ubuntu to do development, testing, installations or tethering | dimitar.me
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I don't use Ubuntu, but i am just replying to show my support:D Thanks for posting it!!!

Actually now i have Ubuntu on my system too, so this post is good for me too XD
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Great information, I'll update the post to reflect this. Did you do a full backup and restore of your data? and if so how well did the restore go?
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Nice guide. This is how I unlocked mine. I wish this was around then cause it took me a little while to figure out the command to unlock the bootloader.
If you on windows your missing the blue screen of death between steps 10 and 11. Tinyflaccid winblows fails pentration testing hence the Linux cameo. I vote to rename windows to backdoors. U know u like that shizz.

Anyways the quotation marks came up as “ so its confusing. Those are quotation marks right and not part of the terminal input.