Unmount USB stick before removing it from the tablet?


Aug 17, 2010
If I plug my USB stick into the tablet (in the Flytouch extension jack) I get a brief display saying it is preparing the udrive. When I pull the USB stick out it then warns "Udisk unexpectedly removed".

Problem is, I can't find any way to unmount the udisk (other than typing in a umount command in a root shell). Is there a widget or app that will give me a quick-access command to unmount the drive, and maybe also something that will tell me when an app is accessing the drive?
It is for many generics "Oh so conveniently" buried in the Settings section. But in others nothing at all. The answer is to do what I do. Put your device into hibernate. unplug the UDisk, this is likely the safest way other than UMount.
On the other hand, I find it really annoying that every time I take my unit out of Hibernation state,it goes through the notification of remounting my SD storage. And that is my VIA 8505 Generic. I do not have that issue with other devices that are Android.

In my opinion though, Android is reasonably robust. If you have closed the app using the UDISK Storage, (Ex. File Manager) you should be able to to remove the UDisk storage without much impact.

That stated, I always shut down my Tablet to change my SD storage.
I just take it out. As long as you are not running anything that uses the card you should be fine.
Sadly I do not own a tablet yet, but according to the things I read and I know about linux I would suggest the following solution:
Put your unmount command into an shell script, save it and add an icon to you homescreen.

Could it work this way?
Put your unmount command into an shell script, save it and add an icon to you homescreen.

Could it work this way?

The standard runtime user rights don't allow unmounting it, it seems, but I could try something like this. How do I link a script to the home screen anyway?

Or I could just hibernate it first, that sounds easy.
Hi all,
I am using android tablet (froyo) and when I mount my USB disk to tablet I am not getting any notifications. But I am viewing my files through file manager and I cant able to unmount USB. If I try it to Unmount using umount is also not much worthful:confused:.....
I Found my USB to mounted at /usbdisk which traverse it in terminal ...
is there any way to unmount it in froyo tablet....
If I plug my USB stick into the tablet (in the Flytouch extension jack) I get a brief display saying it is preparing the udrive. When I pull the USB stick out it then warns "Udisk unexpectedly removed".

Problem is, I can't find any way to unmount the udisk (other than typing in a umount command in a root shell). Is there a widget or app that will give me a quick-access command to unmount the drive, and maybe also something that will tell me when an app is accessing the drive?
Go to Settings>SD card, U-disk & device storage settingsscroll down to U-disk and select Unmount U-disk. Done