Update error message


Sep 3, 2011
Been trying to check for updates but each time i do I get an error message that says an error has occurred it is bet to restart your vtab. Yes or No buttons available. Anyone else having this issue.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
Can you download from other sources? Have you tried from more than one WiFi connection?

I see your options as:

Call Vizio support.


Do a factory reset and then try to install the update.
Contacted vizio about this issue and was tol that I received this error message because there was no update available. I did advice them that it did not give this error two days ago when I checked for updates. So I guess we'll just take their word on it. Lol.

Sent from my VTAB1008 using Android Tablet Forum
What do you see when you view the about device page in settings?

Here are the values that changed with the update:

  • Software version – VIA Plus 1.2 (was 1.1)
  • Uboot version 1.1.18 (was 1.1.17)
  • Build number – 1.9.26 (was 1.9.13)
If these are not at the post update values you need to call Vizio back.