update.zip from Coby (build MID7015A 1.6a 1/26/11)

Ridgeland thanks i feel better now..lol, Upset is actually putting it lightly, I tried walking away for a little bit but couldnt, im actually still at it, but w/alot better understanding, Everyone IS very helpful, Sorry for the bad Vibes...
If your tablet comes with the new 7015a...just go to the thread entitled rooting your 7015a step by step instructions. I just got mine yesterday and I did that version and it was easy they have everything in there..this thread confused me too....but everything worked great with the thread I just mentioned..and if you go to the end..I actually updated what he wrote with a few little tips here and there in red. :)
here is the link to the thread instead of looking in the forum
Aang, just take your time, remember that most of us had an interesting time rooting this device, it can be taxing but you'll get there. Watch the spacing and try downloading the image a couple of different times if it doesn't take. I had that problem, just make sure you go into properties of the downloaded file on your pc and verify it doesn't say "flash recovery (2)" get rid of the "(2)" it can help.
:mad: im at the brink of tears. i have followed all these directions and am still unable to install the flash image. i dont know where im going wrong but it tells me its not there i even unzipped and sent the bin to the sd card, it just doesnt find it. help please. i dont see the point of having this thing if i cant get past this. you can even email me at [email protected]
I found a post on another site which addresses the waking issue that I see in the Coby posts repeatly. It eliminated the problem on my un-modified mid7015.

Goto settings....wireless & networks....wi-fi settings. Press the Menu key & select advanced.....wi-fi Sleep policy....choose NEVER & save the change. This stopped the constant random wake-up issue.
Funny...I heard of people having this issue but I've had mine nearly a week now and haven't had it wake up on me once. Maybe I just got lucky. I have had to reset it a few times though because it froze up. Actually the first time I had to reset the thing had just shut down on me while I was trying to get the Clockwork mod. When it wouldn't restart I was so upset with myself thinking I had just bricked it. But then I saw something about this being a common issue and reset button fixes it. I was greatly relieved when I got the COBY screen back up again. Thought I killed it for sure....and only the 2nd day I owned it.
ok is anyone going to help me with my problem? i have come back to this tablet today 3/10/11 and i stilll am having issues. i cant get this to work. i need help with this please
ok is anyone going to help me with my problem? i have come back to this tablet today 3/10/11 and i stilll am having issues. i cant get this to work. i need help with this please

If you go back to page 14 of this thread and use the instructions with the video. Its the post that's close to the bottom of the page with the video link on it. Do everything by those instructions you should get it.

I had trouble too. It seems something has changed since the original instructions were put up on here. I ran into all kinds of trouble on the part where you type SU into the emulator but once I did it by these instructions and using this video I had no trouble. Remember do not type in what the video says once you get to the emulator. Once you type in SU on the emulator switch over to the next step on the printed instructions and you should have no trouble after that.
Scratch that...it's the 2nd post on page 14...not close to the bottom of the page. Anyway...you'll see it. It's the only post with a video on it.

Just use the video until you get to the emulator and type in SU, then use the printed instructions in the post. Works like a charm!
ok, i dont know what im doing wrong but i tried going back and its not finding my sd card. so i am please asking someone to call me 716-335-8037. im just feeling like i bought this thing for nothing. smh
:mad:HELP!!!!! I have a Coby Kyros Mid7015A. Tablet I need Some Serious help!!!

Okay I have Udpated..Even Though Im not Sure I Actually Needed too!!! I permantely rooted the device (Z4ROOT), and I have downloaded the recovery img. I have the gapps-passion-EPE54B-signed, These are all located in AndExplorer under Device, Root, Sdcard in a new Folder That I made. I cannot place the sd card into my laptop (because it is way too small) So I transfered these files via USB, while the sdcard was in the tablet. I have a Terminal Emulator (AppsLIB) I typed in all the correct things and downloaded all the drives, I tried typing in the Windows Command Also and I have SERIOUSLY tried everything that has been posted. I'm So stuck And FUSTRATED!!! Please HELP ME!!! I'm New To ANDROID Just Purchased it Yesterday, So MayBE That Has Alot To Do With It LOL!!!
OK...rooting my 2nd Kyros. I thought I had this down pretty well after all the trouble I had doing it the first time. But...of course I was wrong! How do I turn on USB Debugging? I know this is something simple and I know it's explained elsewhere in this forum but I don't have the energy to search it any more. I've been searching for it and can't seem to find where it explains how this is done.

Help please...
Settings -> Applications -> Development -> USB Debugging

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