updates and widgets question


Jun 23, 2013
Is there an update for this tablet? Is there somewhere I can sign up to be notified of any?

And also, how do I ... or can I put widgets on the home screen? Long hold does not pull up an option for a widget even though I have some installed.
Welcome to the forum
I have no idea on the first question but on the widgets go to the app drawer then tap the widgets button at the top, (it usually defaults to apps) and a long press on one of those should allow you to move it, (copy), to a home screen.
Updates are taken care of by the device manufacturer for the most part. Check with your tablet OEM for details on updates. Most tablets will notify you of an update. Check in Settings - About - Update. There may or may not be an update/check for update section in your settings. If there is, you can check for an update there.