Updating OS?


Jan 6, 2012
Hi. I just bought a China Made tablet which came with the OS 2.2. I thought about updating it to a newer version of the OS? Do you suggest this and if yes to what version? Will it slow it down? I am new to the android world. Do OS cost money or they can be downloaded for free?

Can you walk me through the updating process if you suggest that I update.

I am waiting for someone to answer your question, did you find that android 2.2 is very limited and the market seems to be lacking a lot of apks.
What is the upgrade path from android 2.2 to gingerbread 2.3.
Guys, got some bad news for you - there's no generic upgrade for Froyo devices, the hardware in tablets varies a lot. You need a version custom made for your device brand and model.

Even better known manufacturers like Le Pan / Matsunichi are leavign users in the dust. We now have Gingerbread CM7 in Beta, but that's thanks to independant developers, working without ANY factory support.

Buying a no-name at the cheapest price is probably going to leave you stranded. Sorry. :(
what about reinstalling a 2.2 in kyros 7" ?? when i switch it on .. i just got the android blinking word