upgrade stuck on "Upgrading file-system"

hi all im also experiencing this error! actually its my brother's unit. always hangs at UPGRADING FILE-SYSTEM . . . PLEASE WAIT . . .

anyone got a working rom for this? thanks!
You need to find the original ROM, contact your reseller for this. The update.sh script contains the partition info, try a modded rom BUT replace the update.sh script partition lines with the original, give it a go and see what happens :)
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If you have the one with the green headphone jack and the blue led that turns red while charging try the rom from www.ekengroup.com it's under downloads as "m009 new". I would try it but I think I've bricked mine.
You need to find the original ROM, contact your reseller for this. The update.sh script contains the partition info, try a modded rom BUT replace the update.sh script partition lines with the original, give it a go and see what happens :)

Also a file called partition.sh seems to appear in some roms, this file can be edited with WinVi and contains partition information. This file in invoked from update.sh:

if [ ! -f ${SDCARD}/script/Partition.sh ] ; then
string="--> Not find script/Partition.sh in SD Card"
echo $string
gui-echo $pointX $pointY "$string"
pointY=$(($pointY + $height + $height))
string="Fail to update filesystem. Exit!"
echo $string
gui-echo $pointX $pointY "$string"
echo 0 > /proc/boot-splash
exit 0
This Partition.sh is for a 1GB Nand drive:

echo p
echo d
echo 1
echo d
echo 2
echo d
echo 3
echo d
echo 4
echo p
echo n
echo p
echo 1
echo +33M
echo n
echo e
echo 2
echo p
echo n
echo l
echo +368M
echo p
echo n
echo l
echo +648M
echo p
echo n
echo l
echo +105M
echo p
echo n
echo l
echo p
echo w
Seems to me that you can add a partition for using for example 2GB Nand by inserting this block:

echo +1024M
echo p
echo n
echo l
But if you've done that, you must update the update.sh as well:

string="UDisk Partition ......"
echo $string
gui-echo $pointX $pointY "$string"

chmod 777 ${SDCARD}/script/partition.sh
${SDCARD}/script/partition.sh | fdisk /dev/sda

mknod /dev/sda1 b 8 1
mknod /dev/sda5 b 8 5
mknod /dev/sda6 b 8 6
mknod /dev/sda7 b 8 7
mknod /dev/sda8 b 8 8
I'm not sure how this should be expanded with another partition because it's not quite clear how it numbers. Logically I would go for adding this:

mknod /dev/sda9 b 8 9
And see what it does. Because I don't own a device with this type of firmware I can't this out.
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Hey everyone, I have been in contact with the ebay seller that sold me this. She was very nice and helpful. She sent me the original ROM file for this and it worked. It comes in 7 .rar files. Unzip the 7 rar all simultaneously to a script folder.....copy to sd card and fire up your brick.

Send me a private message with a subject of "need rom" and email address or something like that and I'll see if I can get it to you.
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Thanks Anbrick. I appreciate it. I will report back if it works or if it doesn't. Again much thanks

Hi Anbrick. Good news. My pad is working! It loaded up fine. Everything is working. I am going to find a place to host the file so that I can pass it on. Thanks so much.

Much appreciated.

@Anbrick, the rom dont work with my device. :(

heres the details:

Prepare update files . . .
Update filesystem start . . .

--> Not find UDisk (/dev/sda)

Fail to update filesystem. exit!

still don't know whats wrong with my device.
sorry chuck. there appears to be so many generic versions, there may just be some slight albeit critical variation with your device.

To clarify, mine was advertised as 450mhz, it does have the green headphone jack. Also, too late I know, but the zip file has the script folder. same drill as all the other roms, just unzip it to your sd card and, cross your fingers, wish on a star, spit under a rock, rub a toads belly, eye of newt, and hopefully it will do its thing for your device.

this device plays video horribly by the way. I've tried formatting some movies a couple of different ways. no difference I got a 10.2 inch zenithink for my wife and so far its much better.

I spent hours upon hours trying ROMs. I know I will get slaughtered for this bit of criticism, but anything that is linux based has always cost me hours of time with compatibility issues and search for drivers and whatnot. Although android is powerful I admit, its got a ways to go. just look at the questions and complaints....touchscreen doesn't work, sound stopped working, does it support bluetooth, what about 3g?, for everyone that tries to get a custom rom. I'm saving up for a powerful windows based tablet. For all its faults, windows 7 is still the standard and is most compatible with everything off the shelf. You just need an imperial star destroyer for hardware to run it. LOL. anyway, just a quick musing on my android tablet experience thus far.

Thanks for the ROM. (Also thanks to RomanticEvil for the info in this thread) It was the only one that got me all the way through the update process, told me to remove the sd card. I re-booted, got the startup animation, but then held forever on the loading animation. I tried using the update.sh, partition.sh, rescriptcmd, ramdisk_for_restore.gz, ramdisk_for_upgrade.gz, uboot.bin, uzImage_ac97.bin, and uzImage_ac97.bin from anbrick's ROM in slatedroid's Mercury for Eken M002 and got past the loading animation to a "process system not responding error". Probably not smart to be trial and erroring through these files, but I feel like I'm getting somewhere. If only I knew WTF I was doing...
For those who are looking for a fix to these errors of "file system partition fail" typr of Flytouch (or generic) I can say that the following method worked for me when NO other ROM builds would, which seems like the problem with these. go to File Management Your looking for `update software for the item CVUK-PC06-2GEN.part1.rar They're near the bottom so scroll from the bottom up. Un-rar the files in the same folder with 7zip (google), Then put a 1 gig (min) microsd in your card reader device and connect it with your computer and format the sd in fat32 and put the complete script folder on it (root dir). It does NOT need to be the only folder in the root. Then put the sd in the tablet and reboot it. It should work.

*Recommedation* Copy the good script folder to your PC after getting your MID working incase you need it again. I named mine "Flytouch1 Restore".

I borrowed some wording from another posting, but wanted to make it much easier to understand. I'm actually going to try some of Tipster's Custom ROMS now that I know I can restore it if necssary, (thanks to tipster).

Post if this was helpful for anyone.
