upgrade stuck on "Upgrading file-system"

For those who are looking for a fix to these errors of "file system partition fail" typr of Flytouch (or generic) I can say that the following method worked for me when NO other ROM builds would, which seems like the problem with these. go to File Management Your looking for `update software for the item CVUK-PC06-2GEN.part1.rar They're near the bottom so scroll from the bottom up. Un-rar the files in the same folder with 7zip (google), Then put a 1 gig (min) microsd in your card reader device and connect it with your computer and format the sd in fat32 and put the complete script folder on it (root dir). It does NOT need to be the only folder in the root. Then put the sd in the tablet and reboot it. It should work.

*Recommedation* Copy the good script folder to your PC after getting your MID working incase you need it again. I named mine "Flytouch1 Restore".

I borrowed some wording from another posting, but wanted to make it much easier to understand. I'm actually going to try some of Tipster's Custom ROMS now that I know I can restore it if necssary, (thanks to tipster).

Post if this was helpful for anyone.


thanks. will try this later.
I looked at the scriptcmd file
the "Upgarding file system.." is usually followed by this section below.

setenv bootargs mem=237M root=/dev/ram rw initrd=0x01000000,32M console=ttyS0,115200n8 init=/linuxrc lcdid=1
fatload mmc 0 1000000 script/mvl5_v5t_ramdisk_WM8505.090922.loop.gz

essentially the fatload command references the "mvl5_v5t_ramdisk_WM8505.090922.loop.gz" file in the script folder. I did a swap of this *.gz file from another ROM and renamed it with the same name and managed to get past the upgrading file system. but my touch screen is still not working (but mouse works) and battery goes red the moment I unplug the power and it shuts down. I can reboot, but once its fully booted, it will shut down again.
somebody can say the name of the firmware of this pad?? i have the same problem that "anbrick" and need donwload the original firmware to install it to fix my pad.

my fw was WMT2.1_88 and can't find it enywhere....hope sbdy will help....till then....my apad is dead
thx romantic evil but both roms 2.0.1_88 and 2.0_88 don't work on my apad
i think i need exactly 2.1_88 one
is it possible to download it from somewhere???
thx once again romantic evil for ur reply...
YYYYYYYYEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!! i've repaired my apad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
people, i have found ROM WMT2.1_88 for my epad and there is no problems with anything, if somebody has the same build than me please download rom from link below
good luck and hope this will solve your problems!!!!
please give info if helped or not
correction :)
wi-fi doesn't work :)
auto-rotation of screen also :)
but everything else works...

yeah, now it's working, after flashing i restored to factory settings and everything is ok now :)
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Hi, have the problem file system partition fail, anybody can help me?
Well i tried a lot of firmware and always get this :
format kernel partition ok
mount kernel partition fail! exit!
erase file-system partition fail !exit!
Maybe kernel don´t support this nand flash
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I believe by reading the posts I have an Apad VIA VT8505 build WMT 2.1.2_105 I have tried several Rom's including
M009_new 2, xflytouch V 4a, Mid7 2188, and M(Better Performance) for WMT 2.1.2_105 which I probably shouldn't have because it was for EPad instead of Apad.
I'm getting same errors upgrade stuck on "Upgrading file-system, or erase file-system partition fail !exit! Maybe kernel don´t support this nand flash
The only one I haven't tried is anbrick's ( sent PM with no e-mail with attachment yet)
bought it from Stealday.com can't contact him for factory rom because the website is down and phone number doesn't work anymore. I just want the real Google market.

thanks in advance,

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