Upgrade to Jelly Bean


Alternate ATF App Tester
Jan 13, 2011
I checked my note for upgrades and I got upgraded to 4.1,very happy.
Now. ...how do I open2 windows?
If it is like the 10.1 simply press the up arrow in the bottom middle of the screen. The available apps are shown and you have the option of dual view or cascading windows. It works great, especially now that you can resize windows in dual view mode. I think you are going to like it!

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1
Hi Tom, I knew you would come my rescue ....I found out that I have my tray with all the apps I can use for multi window, on the left side of my screen .I love it! My old note is getting better and better! I love all the things one can do with the pen also !

All of a sudden I am having one great day!
Thank you :)

Sent from my Galaxy Note 10.1