usb drive recognize modem 3G?


Nov 13, 2011
Guy, i had problems. aparently, my usb entrance dont recognize a modem 3G. i put it on the usb drive and ir didnt do anything. anyone can help me? thanks
If you are trying to use a USB 3G dongle to access the internet where there is No WIFI available you are out of luck at this point in time.

This is not supported. Maybe it will be in future releases.

If you are adventurous and have mad skilz in rooting android devices and don't care about your warranty you can
read this thread over on XDA: DISCONTINUED - [PATCH][27-06 update] 100% Working 3g huawei compatible USB dongle - xda-developers

They guy who got that working got mad at XDA and stomped off, and pretty much abandoned the project.
I would wait for official support if I were you.