USB Tethering a Chinese Tablet & an Android Phone


Sep 3, 2012
Hi Guys,

Planning to buy a Chinese tablet(Onda Vi40 or Cube U30GT) as soon as i make up my mind. But none of the tablets have direct 2G or 3G support and I already own a Samsung Galaxy ACE android phone with a 2GB/mo free GPRS plan.

The most common way to connect is using Wifi Tethering, making my Phone an Wifi Hotspot and accessing internet on the tablet using Wifi. The problem with this approach is that the battery would drain faster in both the tablet and the phone.

So I was wondering if its possible to do the above using USB tethering . Have done the same with Windows 7/XP netbook/laptop/desktop , but never heard of anyone doing between 2 android devices until I stumbled upon this link below

Someone did that successfully between a HTC Desire and Acer Iconia A500.

The question is , can it be done with a Chinese tablet(technically it should work because the underlying OS is android in both cases) , just wanted to know if anyone in this forum were able to do the same, problems encountered , tips etc..

This would help me and tons of others immensely. Thanks in advance..

ps: Moderators, not sure if this is the correct place to post this thread, if not please move it to the right place.
To your questions (Yes) i have an Samsung Y phone and i link to my tablet the Cube U30GT-H and it works but i haven't link it to another tablet, i have use a 16gb usb to copy all my photographic work from my dslr camera to the tablet. But i can't speak for other tablets only mine.

When you use the usb from your phone to the tablet on your phone screen it ask you to turn on the USB device click it then it's DONE. copy what you want.

Hope that help you.
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Gr8, are you able to browse net on the cube using the GPRS or 3G in your Samsung Y phone using USB tethering(It can be done using WiFi tethering).