Use OpenVPN on Nextbook


Dec 18, 2013
Is there anything special that has to be done for OpenVPN to work on a Nextbook NEXT7P12-GP? I loaded OpenVPN Connect, and later OpenVPN for Android, but couldn't get either one to work. I did all the setup, and as it was connecting, about when the progress bar got to the middle, both apps did the same thing - make the tablet go black, and apparently turned it off, then back on, as the splash screen started up, and it looked to be re-booting. My tablet is not rooted.

My son says it sounds like a kernel problem, but I don't have a clue what that means to me in terms of getting a VPN working on my tablet. He has a server set up in our basement, so that when I'm away from home, I can run openvpn-gui-1.0.3.exe on my XP laptop and it connects me through his server. I'm trying to do the same thing with my tablet. Can anyone give me some pointers? I'm not even sure if this tablet will run a VPN app. I downloaded TUN.ko Installer, but it didn't seem to have my version there. I think the message was "TUN module not loaded".

Can someone help me figure out how to get a VPN working on my Nextbook tablet, or tell me why one won't work?

Model NEXT7P12-GP
Android version 4.0.4
kernel version 2.6.34
build number IMM761.v005
AMLOGIC Single-core processor, Cortex 1 GHz
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