[Utility][Firmware Flasher] PhoenixSuit Software


Junior Member
Jan 29, 2011
PhoenixSuit A31 Updating Software

As with most All winner devices you have to use a usb to tablet method for upgrading the device firmware or ROM, PhoenixSuit is the verison that has been packaged with most A31 vendors at this point, While LiveSuit is another option as I used with my world first All winner A13 ROM and most of you are probably really sick of the slow 11.5kbps speeds from the china download links so I have decided to mirror this on the 1000mbps dorkfiles.com host and post it here on the forum for you all to use, feel free to post reply's, and no I cannot share the source code of this software with you as I do not have it.

How do I use it?

Downloading the software:
Grab the latest version 1.04

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Updated download links to work with the all new dorkfiles cloud server, no more entering passwords!
Hello, I thought PhoenixSuit was up to 1.05. just wondering

Sent from my 701c with tapatalk
Crossing my fingers that my DHL tracking is accurate and I can flash tomorrow to the NOVA with this instead of phenoix usb :0
Ye my order came through preety quick via dhl, i didnt even pay extra, in4dealz gave me free dhl, but ye u dont need to flash the firmware i gave the link to as its the same thats already on the tablet