Video capture on Nexus 7


Senior Member
Dec 6, 2010
l'm the very proud owner of an Acer Iconia A500 but lately became very intrigued by the smaller, yet very convenient, plethora of capable 7 inch Android tablets.

It's obvious that the Google Nexus 7 sits at the most desirable spot because it sports JB and top notch hardware. However, in order to keep costs low, Asus omitted the rear camera. For some, that's a non issue but for others, like me, that feature is highly desirable for a number of reasons.

That shortcoming could somehow be dimished if the front facing camera included a form of video capture. It would be kind of akward to shoot video that way but at least it woul be better than nothing. So the question is, can the Nexus 7 grab video or photos aside from chat application?
As you say, viewfinding would be a problem, but I've just downloaded Camera MX (free app) from Play Store and this seems to do what you want. I've shot a a bit of movie (and a few jpegs), remembering to turn the Nexus to landscape, and it does indeed record video, filing it where Google Play movie viewer can find it.
I too had the Acer a500 and loved it. I used the camera from time to time mainly because it was there and I just wanted to show off my toy. Then the Nexus 7 came out and I thought I would just have a small one to tote around and the big one for home. It wasn't but two or three days before I realized that I didn't really miss the camera and loved my Nexus 7. It is such a vast improvement over the Acer that I don't know where to begin telling about all of it. Anyway, I gave the Acer away and haven't missed it at all. It's like the camera on the phones, I never use them, I use my Nikon for that.
I also have an A500 and got my Nexus 7 today.
My gps doen not work on my A500 but the gps on Nexus found satellites within seconds.