Video Conferencing Apps


Senior Member
Feb 28, 2015
I was assigned by my boss to inquire about new apps in conducting a business meeting online. Aside from Skype that we are familiar, Can anyone here share other apps compatible to an Android? By the way, While waiting at a friend's clinic, I was able to grab some flyers about video conferencing. But, the details are vague. There were two that I got. Omnijoin and LoopUP. Anyway, I hope to learn more about their features for me to decide what to tell my boss.
There are few options that would cover all the possible devices involved. One option that is cross platform compatible is GoToMeeting by Citrix.
How about OmniJoin? One of my friends told me to check them out. Do you know them? Are they a reputable company? I checked their website and it seems they have an app that is available for Android and iOS>
I think your choice would be limited to whether you intend to have audio-only, or video. If you are satisfied with audio conferencing, GoToMeeting works very well. In fact the SCCA recently had a conference from Las Vegas (audio-only) and had over 2,000 people listening. For GoToMeetig, you only need the microphone and WiFi, or a good 3G data connetion, But the video needs more data resources obviously.
A list of the best video chat apps for Android. ... To video chat regardless of whether you're using a smartphone or tablet.
  • Skype
  • Messenger
  • ooVoo
  • Hangouts
  • Tango
  • Viber
  • Camfrog