Video Conversion for Acer A500

Thank you for your purchase Strider,

Are you converting your ISO's directly, or do you have them mounted using some virtual cd app?

You should be able to just drag a bunch of your ISO's onto DVD Cat without mounting them.

I've ripped all of my DVDs to ISOs that are on my home server.
I pointed DVD Catalyst to the folders, set my settings and let it go.

I'm glad for the experience of learning how to set everything up because it allowed me to quickly confirm that everything was set how I wanted it.
The neat thing is that (as advertised) DVD Catalyst took care of all the details that completely bogged down my re-ripping project like getting rid of black bars and such.
Heck, even the naming has been handed. I'm very impressed so far.

I had ripped everything to low res divx .avi files years ago but the state of the art is such that all my devices can handle the native resolution now, so "operation re-rip" got put together.

I'll post the results of this project when it completes some 160 hours from now. ;)
Hello all, I recently discovered the AndroidTablets website and forums and was just browsing around when I came upon this thread. Am I understanding correctly how DVD Catalyst works? I can take a commercial DVD movie from my collection and convert it with DVD Catalyst for viewing on my Acer Iconia tablet? Or will this only work for home made videos/movies that have previously been burned to a DVD? I've used Handbrake in the past for putting commercial DVD movies on an iPad but it was a pain. Thanks in advance for some clarification.
Hello all, I recently discovered the AndroidTablets website and forums and was just browsing around when I came upon this thread. Am I understanding correctly how DVD Catalyst works? I can take a commercial DVD movie from my collection and convert it with DVD Catalyst for viewing on my Acer Iconia tablet? Or will this only work for home made videos/movies that have previously been burned to a DVD? I've used Handbrake in the past for putting commercial DVD movies on an iPad but it was a pain. Thanks in advance for some clarification.

Hi Jewelcop,

Welcome to the forums :)

You are correct.

DVD Catalyst 4 will convert a commercial DVD movie from your DVD collection so you end up with a video file that will play on your Acer Iconica.

For an idea of how it works, just have a look at this guide:

Ultimate Asus Transformer Prime Video How To Guide | Tools4Movies | DVD Catalyst 4

The guide is for the Transformer Prime, but it works the same (aside from selecting the correct Acer profile) for your Iconica.
Thanks for the reply, I will be checking out the trial version over the weekend. And thanks for the link to the guide. I will let you know how it goes.
You are welcome,

Let me know if you have any questions.

I don't have an A500 myself, but I do have an A100, which is pretty much the same in a smaller size.
My "operation re-rip" project is still running. I had restarted it about a day and a half into the initial start.
I'm hoping it should be done by tomorrow.

It looks like the only thing I'll have to do is rename the TV show episodes. That itself is a small project, but compared to the mass of the project it is not a show stopper by any means.
Everything is looking great from the samples I looked at.
I'm very happy to see that the calculations I did about how large to make the various files, were largely correct, but that DVD Catalyst is doing the job dynamically, adjusting the file sizes as necessary on a case-by-case basis.

I would encourage anyone interested in this to at least check out the demo. A small investment reaps great rewards, or at least it has for me.
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Just wanted to give an update. I tried out the trial version of DVD Catalyst and was impressed so I went ahead and bought the full version. I don't have the latest greatest laptop (HP with an i3 processor) but DVD Catalyst lets me rip movies in my collection so I can enjoy them on my Iconia A500. A 2 hour movie takes about 30 - 35 minutes to process. I strongly recommend it, and at $10 its a bargain. Thanks again for your helpfulness.
Just wanted to give an update. I tried out the trial version of DVD Catalyst and was impressed so I went ahead and bought the full version. I don't have the latest greatest laptop (HP with an i3 processor) but DVD Catalyst lets me rip movies in my collection so I can enjoy them on my Iconia A500. A 2 hour movie takes about 30 - 35 minutes to process. I strongly recommend it, and at $10 its a bargain. Thanks again for your helpfulness.

Thank you for your purchase JC,

4x realtime on an i3 is pretty good :)

Let me know if you have any questions.
My project using DVD Catalyst worked out great, BTW.
Seemed like about 40 minutes on average per rip. -core i3

Can't thank the DVD Catalyst folks enough for their help! You guys rock!
Hi, I am using Formatfactory to convert my dvd's to mp4 or avi. It is opensource and it works gr8. It have some other useful features as well, like coverting mp4 to mp3.