Video format?? to Watch Movies


May 30, 2012
I have asked this question in a previous thread that I can't find. What format can I format my videos to so I can save them on my SD Card and view on my tablet. I thought MP 4 was the best format! Someone was also telling the best software to get in order to convert my DVD so I can watch them on the table. Thanks in advance.
MP4 is pretty much a sure thing for watching movies. My personal preference is DVDCatalyst for conversions. You can find more info here.

DVD Catalyst
I use MCEBuddy to convert. It works as a background service - you just drop whatever you want converted into a folder and come back and check later. It will even convert WTV files. It first converts to MS-DVR and then converts that to whatever final format you choose. I generally convert to MP4.
I highly recommend MX Video player. It will actually play WTV files directly without conversion, and has some really nifty features.