Viewsonic ViewPad 10Pro Circle cursor problem on 3.2 FIXED


Nov 16, 2011
This seems to be a problem that everybody is not answering but the problem is relatively easy to fix. Of course once you have 3.2 installed and have a external keyboard connected, hit Alt-F1 to get a command line. First find out what your touchpad is ...

less /proc/bus/input/devices

Find out what the Vendor ID and Product ID is for your touchsreen. Then go to ..

cd /system/usr/idc

In there you will see other .idc files. Just copy one of the other idc files and change the name to suit your touchscreen.

cp Vendor_0001_Product_0002.idc Vendor_1110_Product_2220.idc

Then all you have to do is reboot.
Just an update. I am still working on wireless and video. Video works but using wrong driver. Wireless cannot figure out the card. Work in Progress
Just an update. I am still working on wireless and video. Video works but using wrong driver. Wireless cannot figure out the card. Work in Progress

Thank you very much. I was going to sell my Novatech tablet (a veiwpad clone) because can't find a working version of android. Will give this a try as soon as I get home.
Thank you very much. I was going to sell my Novatech tablet (a veiwpad clone) because can't find a working version of android. Will give this a
try as soon as I get home.

It works, thank you very much, you are a star!!!!!!!!!!!
i have two vendor files in that directory and none that match the one i found fpr my tablet -
vendor 222a product 0001
when i use the cp command as you wrote i get read only file system
also is this just renaming the file or do i need to somehow download and copy a file into this directory?
I have no clue how to use the terminal command language unless someone writes the codes exactly as i need them
still have silly circle touchscreen
thanks for helping a command code noob
Hooray! Thank you, cyberpunk71! Your workaround for touchscreen works for my Asus T91MT. I want to add small correction, not necessary reboot android, just use `rmmod hid_multitouch && modprobe hid_multitouch`
i have same problem like you
I cannot change the .idc file in Android console too.
So I install dual boot win8 and honeycomb3.2 (remember choose create system folder when install honeycomb) on same partition, then use windows explorer to change the .idc file.
It works fine.

i have two vendor files in that directory and none that match the one i found fpr my tablet -
vendor 222a product 0001
when i use the cp command as you wrote i get read only file system
also is this just renaming the file or do i need to somehow download and copy a file into this directory?
I have no clue how to use the terminal command language unless someone writes the codes exactly as i need them
still have silly circle touchscreen
thanks for helping a command code noob
I also get the dreaded "read only file system" on trying to copy the idc file.

I have an exoPC with android-x86-3.2-RC2-tegav2.iso - seems to mostly work except for the cursor/touchscreen issue.

I tried remount and chmod. I tried from adb and busybox. But I don't really understand this!

Any further help would be great!
Ok. To do this you need to know a little about how Linux works but I just give you the quick and easy. To do this you must have a full keyboard connected to the viewpad. Once connected and android is up and running, hold down ALT and click F2. This will give you a terminal screen as root. Now follow the instructions above. If you still get readonly error, add sudo to the beginning of the cp command.
I just remembered as I reinstalled the 10th time, that the reason for read only is if you didn't allow your /system read write when you installed the OS.
Alright, stupid question. I also own an Exopc, and I can't seem to figure out the touchscreen vendor/product ID that mine has when I type in the first command. Does anybody either know what the ID is, or how I can recognize which one is which in the command prompt?
I am still new to this. After I type in the first part I was able to find out my touch screen info (Vendor=0eef Product=72a1). At this poin I am stuck, what do I have to to do to be able to type in the second part (cd /system/usr/idc)? every time I try to type something all I see is "END" when I type. Do I have to push another buton before I can type the next code?
Sorry to bump a dead thread but it seems to of just stopped and I am sure many other people are finding this from google just as I did. I have the AZPEN x1 that came factory with Android 2.2 and Windows 7 dual boot. I also did the 3.2 upgrade and have the same cursor issue. I tried EVERYTHING for hours and cannot change the idc files as mentioned earlier in this post. I can get to the Terminal Emmulator (something like that) app and the first command worked allowing me to identify my touch screen information. However I cannot make anything happen when I type cd (space) /system/usr/idc followed by enter. I also tried to change files via windows platform using ext2plore but learned you can only view but not make changes. I was careful after several installs to be sure i selected read/write. Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am new to tablets and never heard of Linux until a few days ago reading these forums.

I couldn't get it to work on my Azpen X1 either. I am an experienced Linux user, and I know that i did everything correctly. My only explanation is that this tablet is different than the Viewpad 10pro, so this fix doesn't work.

I may have been able to figure out a fix, if I had the original 2.2 version to examine. But that was wiped out when installing 3.2.

I tried the Android-x86-4.0 version, and that doesn't have the circle cursor problem. I only booted the LiveCD, and didn't install it. See my thread on it for a download link:

I put a bigger SSD in mine, and then installed openSUSE Linux. It has excellent touchscreen support, printer support and a complete office suite that is compatible with Microsoft office (Open Office). As you may detect, I am not a Microsoft fan.
This seems to be a problem that everybody is not answering but the problem is relatively easy to fix. Of course once you have 3.2 installed and have a external keyboard connected, hit Alt-F1 to get a command line. First find out what your touchpad is ...

less /proc/bus/input/devices

Find out what the Vendor ID and Product ID is for your touchsreen. Then go to ..

cd /system/usr/idc

In there you will see other .idc files. Just copy one of the other idc files and change the name to suit your touchscreen.

cp Vendor_0001_Product_0002.idc Vendor_1110_Product_2220.idc

Then all you have to do is reboot.

I have eGalax touch screen vendor=0eef, product=0001, and have copied this .idc file, but still not works. Is there some other things to do? (copying drivers or something else)