Vizio SD Card Solution?


Nov 8, 2011
Hi everyone. I am thinking about getting one of these Vizio tablets at Costco. The price is right. Having heard about the SD card issue I osted here in another thread regarding an application available on the Marketplace called "App 2 SD". I use this on my Droid X2 to move apps to the SD card. Someone said they used the app and it worked. If this is the case I will go buy one. If not I will wait until an update is available to fix the issue.

Can anyone give this a shot and let me know the results?

This is not the case, the app does not work. Hopefully the update will be here soon.

I don't want to sound like a jerk, so sorry if it comes across that way, but there have been so many threads on this please search before posting a new one on an item that is already discussed so much.
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My apologies. I am a noob to these forums. There are so many threads it was hard to figure out if anyone had tried it. In any case I will do some more searching. It is good to hear that Vizio is planning an update to fix the issue. Guess I will keep an eye on the new posts and wait until someone tries the update before purchasing.
No problem, and welcome! Like I said it probably came off harsher than I meant :)

I think the Vtab is the best entry level tab out there and Vizio has already put out some updates since it was originally launched so it does seem like they are making an effort, hopefully the next update will fix this. Because as much of a geek as I am, with a family & other responsibilities I have higher priorities than what is ultimately a high tech toy and the vtab does what I need at a great price point.

I would say if not then the new Nook tab may be the way to go as a next step for $250, since the last one was rooted there is a good chance the new one will be also. But again, I would prefer to keep the $60 price difference in my pocket and not give it to B&N.
My apologies. I am a noob to these forums. There are so many threads it was hard to figure out if anyone had tried it. In any case I will do some more searching. It is good to hear that Vizio is planning an update to fix the issue. Guess I will keep an eye on the new posts and wait until someone tries the update before purchasing.

The longer you wait the better your choices will be. You just need to decide when you need/want a tablet and then make an informed choice.

I have a rooted color nook and the vizio. (actually my wife has the nook color)

I prefer the vizio for the following reasons:
1) I prefer the 8" screen over the "7 nook: not too small, not too big
2) touch screen on the vizio is really nice. Good responsive touch screen. On the nook, it seems sluggish and not as precise.
3) rotate function is better on the vizio
4) dedicated buttons on the vizio make it much easier that the soft-buttons on the nook. The nook softkeys are actually kind of a hack/work-around since it is rooted.

All that being said, you can get a re-furb nook color from B&N on ebay for $150. That is a good deal.

If Vizio fixes the SD card issue, then I think Vizio is the clear winner over Nook color and the Amazon Fire. However, due to the huge marketing machines for Amazon and B&N, both will greatly outsell the Vizio.

UPDATE (11/21): If you root your VTAB tablet, you can fix the SDCARD problem. Search the Vizio forum for more details
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However, due to the huge marketing machines for Amazon and B&N, both will greatly outsell the Vizio.

I've got a Kindle Fire on pre-order but have been really trying to decide what I want in a tablet (or ereader; I've already got a Kindle 3 (which I totally love) & the app on my Thunderbolt). For right now, it's the integration of the Amazon content that comes with the Fire that is pointing me in that direction. I think the Vizio is perhaps the next best thing. Since I don't need a tablet (I'm just a gadget-slut), next year, I'll see what maturity has come to the tablet market.
worked for me

Worked for you to do what?

If you are not rooted and you think you are moving apps to the user installed external sd card then read this.

If you can remove your SD Card and still run the apps then you have not moved them to the external sd card.

If you meant something else, please clarify.
For those that haven't seen it the vtab has been rooted and there is an sd card solution that works.

Sent from my Rooted VTAB1008.