Vizio Tablet Update Issues???


Sep 4, 2011
hello all,

new to the forums. new to android. using a Vizio tablet running the latest update (Via Plus 1.2). started noticing a few issues after the update.

some unresponsiveness when unlocking from standby. seems to be completely powered off. also had using 96% battery while sitting in my locker unused at work.

all apps shut down. wifi was ON and connected. background services OFF.

before the update - standby or device idle was majority (80 - 90 %) of battery usage.

I just did a factory reset to rule out a bad update per Vizio support (was OTA 9-1-11) and reinstalled most old apps as well as launcher pro (free version)

anyone else experiencing any issues after the update or anyone have any suggestions?
the overall UI is smoother. tested overnight seems to be okay today. took off the lock screen password and customer picture. is responding much better. so i guess the restore worked. just wish there was a way to backup device settings, apps, etc to put back after a factory reset. i tried the micro SD card which had music and such. but the apps couldnt be recovered.