Vizio VTAB1008 wifi disconnect problem


Mar 8, 2013
I have a Vizio Vtab1008 that I use mainly to sync MS Outlook data with DejaOffice over a wifi connection. This worked
fine with my linksys router. This week I bought a new DSL Visionnet modem/router from my DSL provider. All of the wired
connections work with no problem. However, the Vizio tablet now disconnects and reconnects every minute. Vizio
offered several options, but none fixed the problem. The only option left was to reset the tablet and reload everything
with no guarantee that it would fix the problem. I also have a new Nexus 7 tablet that works fine with the new router
with no disconnects.

I still need to use the Vizio tablet. Does anyone have a solution to the wifi disconnect problem?
Hi Bloodhound, welcome to the forum, nice to have you as a member of Android Tablets. I'm moving your thread to the Vizio Tablets forum for you, where more people familiar with your Vtab are likely to join the discussion and try to help you. Good luck!
Hi Bloodhound. Welcome to the forum.

I don't have an answer to your question. I guess first I'd look to the new router's configuration, to see if there's something in there that's giving the VTAB trouble. FWIW: I've never had a problem with my VTAB with any wireless AP or router, anywhere.

I've had three different ones at home: A very old Linksys WRT54G, a Foundary IronPoint AP and, currently, a Netgear AP. No problem using any of them. Even the Foundary, when it started dying, and a friend's iPad was having trouble establishing and maintaining a connection.

Thanks for all of the feedback. I have not located a firmware update for the modem/router yet. I plan to contact my DSL provider Monday
to see if they can help with that.
I contacted my DSL provider this morning - who also supplied the modem/router. They said that it already had the latest firmware.

They had another suggestion:
They created another network with slightly lower security. I connected the Vizio to it and after several minutes it is still connected.

I still have the original network available for other connections.

Both networks on the tablet say "Secured with WPA/WPA2 PSK"

On the router:
The added (Vizio) network shows up as "Guest" with "WPA2 -PSK"
The original network has "Mixed WPA2/WPA -PSK"
