Vtab running incredibly slowly! Any solutions?


Oct 28, 2011
I've happily been using my Vtab since you guys talked me into buying one when Costco had them on sale, what, two+ years ago?

Recently, I noticed it was booting up very slowly. Then updating the Apps got slower and slower. Now, the thing is just dragging, often getting stuck on the such and such app is not responding, close or wait, screen.

I've been using GoLauncher EX and Dolphin browser. Apps are automatically updated. The tablet MAY run slightly faster on the standard, manufacturers browser, but not enough to make me believe that Dolphin is the only problem. Plenty of memory left on the Vtab.

Nothing has changed with our wireless system and I do not have this problem with my android phone when I connect to the Internet using the same wifi system.
Any ideas? This is making my Vtab virtually useless.
There are quite a few possibilities, and despite you phones working fine on the WiFi it still may warrant restarting the router. More apps means slower, some security apps reduce performance and dirty cache can also be an issue. Try installing an app called Clean Master to see if cleaning thew cache helps.
My VTAB1008 did the same thing. I factory reset it, and it was fine again.

I tried using it with someone else's wifi, and still slow. So it's not the network.

I ran Clean Sweep, which cleaned out a little, but I always empty the cache and the history when I exit the browser (Dolphin). I also moved a few apps to the SD card, so now my internal storage shows 70% used, while the SD card only shows 6% used.

I'll have to use it a bit to see if this helps, but I'm doubtful. The BIGGEST problem seems to be when booting up (can take up to 15 minutes!!!!) and if I move between apps quickly.

I thought about resetting to the factory set up, but won't I lose all my apps, Saved books, etc. etc. etc.
I thought about resetting to the factory set up, but won't I lose all my apps, Saved books, etc. etc. etc.

You'll lose everything in the tablet memory. Move whatever you can to the SD card and remove it before resetting. You own the apps and can download them again free if any get deleted. A file manager program would be helpful for moving things, if you don't already have one try ES File Explorer.

Amazon.com: ES File Explorer: Appstore for Android

That's the problem with factory resets: You have to make sure to save everything off to SD card, Dropbox, whatever, and you'll have to re-setup, re-install, re-configure, everything. It's a PITA. But, sometimes, it's The Only Way.

Good luck,
Just to confirm, you said Clean Sweep and I said Clean Master (here). Wanted to be sure we're on the same page. Also don't forget to look at the residual files section of the app.
The biggest problem I had with my VTAB was when I had the apps set to auto-update. It seemed the first several minutes I used the VTAB each day it ran incredibly slow. That is when it as updating apps from the market. I went to the market and turned off auto-update and things ran MUCH better. I then could chose when to update apps on my schedule.
Absolutely, the auto updating makes it sluggish when starting up, so do most of the active widgets and checking mail.