W17Pro dead after updating firmware to 4.1.1


Dec 4, 2012
Hi Guys,

I was very fond of my Ramos W17Pro and not long after 4.1.1 came out for it, I decided to update to the new firmware.
After updating it said " installiation done" or something like these words. It also said I had to reboot.
After choosing the reboot option, my tablet never lid up again.
No way possible to get the display to light up anymore.

Has anybody got a clue? Is there some tool to get it to work again?

Thanks for your replies!
I read somewhere that if your tablet is 3g compatible that upgrading won't work on all models (wish I could find that article, it was just a day or so ago). Go to any site that sells your W17 and use the 'edit' and 'find on this page' for jellybean compatible. I looked yours up and it says that it can be upgraded, but then I looked up my W28 and it says it isn't and that if I tried it might lock up and would void the warranty. Mary
Hi Wolf82, I had a similar issue with my W27 Pro. If your tablet has the little hole beside the power switch Hold down the Volume + and insert something in to the hole making sure you make contact with the button inside. Once you have completed this plug your USB cable in and connect to your PC and the drivers should load allowing you to either re-flash or roll back your previous action. I have the official Tablet Product Tool from the Blue Devils(firmware writers for Ramos) if you dont have it ill be happy to assist you via facebook msn or remote assistance.
Hi Wolf82, I had a similar issue with my W27 Pro. If your tablet has the little hole beside the power switch Hold down the Volume + and insert something in to the hole making sure you make contact with the button inside. Once you have completed this plug your USB cable in and connect to your PC and the drivers should load allowing you to either re-flash or roll back your previous action. I have the official Tablet Product Tool from the Blue Devils(firmware writers for Ramos) if you dont have it ill be happy to assist you via facebook msn or remote assistance.
hi Superted_76, I have Ramos w27pro I have problem with my tablet,after adjusting the screendensity to 200dpi and after restart my tablet canot starting up just blank disply but the light is on, could help me with this case, do you have the driver for w27pro, I already install the driver for all chinise tablet, and do what you sugest (push volume + and push button in a hoke near power button but nothing happen, not entering in flashing mode.