Wallpaper issue, half of screen black


Apr 7, 2011
Just throwing this out there, not sure if others have the same problem or if its just me. Sometimes my wallpaper will act funny and only half the screen in landscape mode(basically only way I use my nook) actually has wallpaper, the other half is black/blank. I've been changing so much since I got my nook that I'm not even sure when it started happening.

If I turn to portrait mode then back to landscape my wallpaper will show normally for a little. Eventually it goes to the half black thing again. I've tried several different pictures.

I'm running CM7 stable, dalingrin OC 4/11/11, and ALSA fix. Most of the time I use wallpaper wizardii to set my wallpaper but lately I've just been picking a picture from my gallery and choosing set as wallpaper(all of a sudden that method is sizing them correctly.

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Are you both using ADW launcher (guessing from the pic in the other thread)? Have you installed a recent update?
Man sorry didn't see your question. I've tried to update thru the market place. I guess I have the latest. This didn't happen untilled I put cm7 on my emmc.

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Found out what the issue was perfect viewer was screwing up my wallpaper.

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