Web History, download, view, print, etc...


Mar 15, 2013
I have some android tablets that my employees use for work. They are not authorized to use it for any besides work, but they are. I need to correct this, and I will have to have the evidence of the violation printed in order to do so.

Can any one tell me how I can view the web history of the tablet, with times, dates and url's so that I can print them? Do i need a third party program? Special cables?

I did do a search, but all I could find was how to print from the device, and how to delete the web history on the device. Thanks for your help in advance.
welcome to the forum. Under normal circumstances I don't think what you want to do is going to be possible. It probably would be possible if the tablet was rooted, but rooting the tablet would allow them to do a lot more with it than you would want them to be able to do. I wish I had better news for you.