Week Long VTAB Nightmare


Senior Member
Nov 8, 2011
I have been trying for a week to get my VTAB1008 either rooted or revert to Gingerbread....

The current Android Version is 3.2.1 HTK55..

The reason I am so desperate to root or revert is because I have that common Download Error/Google VOICE Can't authenticate... I am not sure if they are related... I have tried all the suggestions of clearing the cache of Download Manager, Accounts, Google Services Framework, etc etc.. Nothing helps. I have totally wiped and re-installed a half dozen times.. No go..

Anyways, last week I set aside an entire day to get the VTAB working.. I looked at as many guides and tuts as I could find.. Nothing seemed to work for me and the ones that looked promising (like this one: [Guide] Downgrade to Gingerbread | Android Tablet Forum ) the file wasn't available.. Keeps trying to make me install ILIVID and carp like that. I know better.. At least I DID... But I got so frustrated, I started downloading and installing every .exe I could get my hands on..

As you can imagine. BIG MISTAKE...

My system was totally infected.. Ironically enough, about an hour after my system got fubar'ed, I got a call from my bank's fraud detection department and said that my card had been used in Atlanta.. I am just south of JAX in FL... Turned out to be a coincidence (my card was used the day before) but it really freaked me out..

Anyways, back to the issue... Can anyone point me to a good and CURRENT tut that has available files...

In the alternative, can anyone post the update.zip from the link above...

Barring all of that, does anyone have an new ideas about fixing the Google PlayStore Download issue??

Thanx in advance for any assistance..
It seems to me to be a drastic step to drop back to Gingerbread when there is a very good possibility, in my mind, that you will still have the same problem. I don't think it's related to your operating system. It's more likely an app you have installed.

There is possibly a way to find out if that's the problem. Do a factory reset but DON"T sync with Google when you set it back up and see if you can duplicate the problem. If it works, install the apps back one at a time and test,
Thanx for the response.. I am not sure how I can get to the PlayStore w/o synching with Google??

Regardless, I was able to finally download the file from that link above and reverted to Gingerbread.. And it did fix the download issue.. Hopefully, it's a permanent fix..

Thanx again.. :D