Weird battery usage with workaround


Dec 15, 2010
Few days ago i got my Wowpad and i like it but there is something weird with my battery. Programs "Android System Info" and "Battery Monitor" both report same situation - process "Cell Standby" uses majority of my battery! Can this be solved?



As you know Wowpad DOES NOT have airplane mode in its setings [and downloading few widgets only killed my wifi connection and did nothing to resolve this issue]. And off course there is no Cell Radio in it as far as i know.

CAN THIS BE SOLVED? Power drainage is really visible.
I think that's just it's catch-all name for power usage though I can't be sure

I'm sorry I can't help,

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the app
By Richardo Crispus
I have successfully removed Cell Standby from my hype pad's battery drain

to do it rename the phone.apk to phone.txt
this can be found in system/apps
ignore the crashes and just hold power until the tablet powers off
reboot and WALAAAH!
What does that do? Does it actually reduce the battery drain?


Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the app
By Richardo Crispus
Yeah, do you noticed any improvement in battery life [or processing speed]?
will let you know tomorrow........on my hype pad i already get excellent battery life and speed but just found that this removed it from my battery drain list

This is where my WowPad deviated from the rest of the pack.
There is NO BATTERY USAGE tracking info from my WowPad!
Even when I loaded Android SysInfo to get a more detailed look, I got nothing!
Looks like my firmware just left the entire monitoring routines!

Nevertheless, since I calibrated the battery, I have been getting decent life - 3+ hrs usage with wifi on and 25% brightness.
@urphonesux did that manage to reduce the battery use/ extend the battery life?

Thank you,

Sent from my Flytouch 2 via the app
By Richardo Crispus
I just removed the cell standby service from my Haipad M701-R the other day and nearly doubled my run time (with Wi-Fi turned on). Color me convinced.
I'm unable to delete or rename the phone.apk file..... most probably due to permissions. How did you overcome that obstacle? THX!

Sent from my M701 using Android Tablet Forum App
I'm unable to delete or rename the phone.apk file..... most probably due to permissions. How did you overcome that obstacle? THX!

Sent from my M701 using Android Tablet Forum App

You need to connect via ADB, mount the filesystem read/write, and then rename/remove two apps: Phone.apk and TelephonyProvider.apk. Do this at your own risk, no guarantees it will work, your mileage may vary:

adb shell mount -o remount,rw /dev/block/mtdblock3 /system
adb shell mv /system/app/Phone.apk /system/app/Phone.OLD
adb shell mv /system/app/TelephonyProvider.apk /system/app/TelephonyProvider.OLD
adb reboot

(this renames the apps, so you can undo it by changing them back)

the tablet will complain after you change Phone.apk, ignore it and continue.
using root explorer i just went to system/apps
made the filesystem rw
held down the apk until the pop up appears
select rename
and then change the .apk extension to .txt and reboot the phone
then u can uninstall the app using manage applications
Whoa, then i will definetley try to do the same on my Wowpad!

edit - done! after reboot cell standby is removed from batery usage charts!
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