Welcome to the linuxboxsolution development section


Mar 25, 2011
Welcome everybody to the linuxboxsolution area of androidtablets.net and welcome linuxboxsolution to the Dev Team, developing for the Gtab, x5a, and the Herotab M10

We are excited to have you on board and look forward to what you have in store for us :cool:
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Our first "official" Dev! Looking forward to his offerings and having more devs step up as well!
you know i am happy to have you here! welcome welcome welcome!
Hey Guys glad to meet you all. I will need this weekend to get all my space setup and starting my first posts. Sorry schedule is very hectic over the next few days.
Hey Guys glad to meet you all. I will need this weekend to get all my space setup and starting my first posts. Sorry schedule is very hectic over the next few days.

Take all the time you need. We're glad to have you on board with us. ;)