Welcome to the Toshiba Thrive Forum on AndroidTablets.net!


Staff member
Dec 15, 2009
We would like to welcome everyone to the new Toshiba Thrive Forum on AndroidTablets.net. This section will be dedicated to Toshiba's first Honeycomb Android Tablet.
Another Honeycomb tablet to consider... so many choices. ;)
Nice to be here. Have had my thrive for about two weeks now. I want toknow how to put movies on it, can you help me?

Just dowload 'VPLAYER' on android market (free trial) and use an USB link between your AT100 and a PC or other USB device. For manage files use the native file manager who is in Android applications alredy included with Honeycomb OS. Afer you can open files you have moved from USB device to your tablet by double clicking on it ....

Sent from my AT100 using Android Tablet Forum
Hello everybody new to the tablet world but this will be my 4th android device. Can't wait to really use the Thrive

For Now from the Gingerbread Kingdom Fdx
Happy to be here. Looking for help to tether with older iPhone.

Sent from my AT100 using Android Tablet Forum
I just got my Thrive a few days ago and I am very pleased with it.
I previously used the Huawei S7 and enjoyed that, but I really like the bigger screen and better graphics.
Not to mention the speed increase.

I do miss the SIM slot for phone calls though. :(

Looking forward to seeing what happens with the Thrive!
