
Let's do some comparisons!

Hi Dave, congratulations on your new Nook HD+ and welcome to the forum. Glad you decided to join us here at Android Tablets.
Hi dbrons and welcome! I stopped by Barnes and Noble already a couple of time....I'm really curious about their new tablets and I wouldld love to put my hands on them but they didn't have them in the store yet....they must be great!. I have the nook , which I love but I'm thinking.....:)
well you can check on B&Ns site for inventory at your local store. They had one you could try out at my store and also till Dec. 2 you can buy giftcards and pay with them and receive, in my case, a $40 gift card good beginning Dec 26th.

I had pre-ordered the HD+ for delivery Nov 2nd but it was delayed, supposedly till Dec 2nd - I decided to cancel due to wanting to look into the Nexus 10 coming out. The Nexus has gotten bad reviews though and costs $100 ore so I went back with the Nook especially when I saw they were avail ahead of Dec 2nd. I've had it to mess around with this holiday week-end and I really like it.

Hoping to figure out a few things, like can I get a cover picture to appear for movies I have added from my collection. Mine all show with just a generic blue box with title on it though :)

Hi Dave, congrats on your Nook and welcome. I look forward to hearing about your experiences.
Yes, you are right Dave.,the new nook finally made it to the store.....I actually found both of them, 7" and 9" at Best Buy. They look and feel great but I'm afraid I would miss the Google market if only for a couple of apps like the Dolphin browser and I forgot the other one I thought I couldn't live without but I probably can if I forgot all about it! :-D
Well they do have Dolphin browser, I have it on my HD+, but I know what you mean. I like being able to tweak settings and try various video players etc. I'm open to rooting the nook if I can learn how. I see you have a Galaxy note - well I do too and I love it, but really I figure the nook can be different, a more elegant device if that makes any sense.
It may seem strange to recommend a device made by a company that appears to be going through a massive phase of uncertainty at the moment. But the simple fact of the matter is that the NOOK is a premium product at an entry-level price of $129. And though it was created and priced to compete with the Kindle Fire HD, unlike its Amazon counterpart, the NOOK is now a full Android tablet, meaning that its users are free to access and download any compatible app from the Google Play Store.What's more, the custom skin and browser actually add to the user experience, rather than detracting from it. The device isn't quite the thinnest sub-10-inch tablet on the market. At 10.9mm (0.43 inches) it's thicker than an iPad Mini for example, but that extra girth is there to house a MicroSD slot for memory expansion. However, at just 308g in weight (0.68 pounds), it's quite possibly the lightest branded tablet in the 7-inch category available today. The screen resolution is excellent, and the tablet is comfortable in the hand but with only 1GB of RAM and a 1.3GHz processor running the show, this is more a consumption rather than a creation device. But vacations are meant to be for relaxing, not working.
So it is true that one can install google apps note on the nook....that makes it the best buy ever at that price, you are right!
OK, so I'm late to the party but I did finally pick up a near new HD+ and I love it. It's now running CM11 and waiting for CM12. Woo Hoo, B&N didn't expect that.
What I haven't yet tried is running a GPS app to see if there is any GPS chip inside. The Nook Color has one, (my iPad Air doesn't) I't think this one will too.
I'll be using CoPilot; If anyone has any info ??

Hey Spider ! JP, Gloria ! Everyone has changed their Avatars a bit. I'll change mine too. Bye now
OK, two things:
This should have been a New Post
After my first try, it seems that there is no GPS capability in the Nook HD+
I was wrong once before too.
I thought I was wrong once too, but it turned out I was wrong.:p

Welcome back 1H2D. It's been so long the system didn't recognize you any more, and thought you were a new a newbie.:rolleyes: All taken care of now. What have you been up to lately?