What does it mean in the Setting/Wireless and network/Wi-Fi network?


Oct 29, 2012
Would like to know what does it mean for three kinds of status during the scanning:
1) Saved
2) Secured with ....
3) Not in range

The last one may be straight forward. The respective SSID is not accessible because the AP is not located within the range. How about the other two?
Saved means you've already accessed the site and there's an entry for it on your tablet.

Secured with indicates the type of security used by the site WPA/WPA2/WEP.

The last one is straight forward.
We just bought a new Netgear router and now my Visual Land tablet won't log onto the internet. I get the saved... message and then it goes to Not in Range. I am sitting right next to the router. Any ideas?