What is the /mnt/sdcard/DCIM/.Thumbnails Folder and Why Does It Use 10.25GB?


Oct 1, 2011

I have an Acer Iconia A500 running Android 4.03. Everything is working good except that recently my available storage has dropped to just 4.5 gb. I ran an APP named "File Manager HD" and performed a "Storage Analysis" that said a folder "/mnt/sdcard/DCIM/.thumbnails" was using over 80% of the total storage. This folder contains 120 files, 118 of which are jpg's at about 25kb each, but 2 files use 10.25gb. (1) ".thumbdata3 -- 1967290299" Dec 1, 2012 21:08 at 4.38gb, and (2) ".thumbdata3 - 1763508120" Dec 10, 2012 14:08 14:08 at 5.87gb. The APP "Image Viewer" seems to show the contents of these two hugh files is a small picture of each of the other jpg's in this folder.

As a side note there is another folder "/mnt/sdcard/Pictures" that contains 400 to 500 larger jpg's including the 118 mentioned above.

My question is what are these two hugh files and can I delete them freeing up 10.25gb of storage?
By default this is the place for movies and pictures that you take with tablet. If you go to galery you can see what have you filmed or what pictures have you maded.If is just thumbnails is safe to delete it will be recreated on a smaller size.

Sent from my Transformer TF101
Just a word of warning. Be very careful with FILE MANAGER HD, the app caused file corruption. It did the same on my phone. So I have dumped it - shame really I really like the GUI compared to some others.

I wrote to the developers but they haven't had the common decency to reply.
Definitely -1 on FILE MANAGER HD.