What tablet is this?


Aug 8, 2011
Wholesale 10.1" superpad 3 android 2.2 tablet pc flytouch 3 GPS 512MB WIFI 3G 4GB 16GB mid T1025

Bought this and got it the other day. The stock launcher is horrible. I was able to get Go Launcher EX running on it and it's better. But what exactly is it? I thought I was getting a Flytouch3/SuperpadII(III), but non of the descriptions seem to match this device when it comes to things like trying z4root or such. I can't find an option in the settings to enable debugging mode.
I'd kind of like to know what I have here. I don't hold much expectations of getting my money back from the vendor without jumping through hoops or paying out the yinyang to ship it back. IF I can figure out what it is and make it more usable, I can sell it off in good conscious and recoup at least $100.
It's descriptions like that, that cause the problems. In one part it says it has 4GB storage, then in another it says it has 8GB storage.
I guess it just blows my mind that the chinese will make copies of copies of copies. Maybe I spoiled myself with the ASus Transformer that I got before this one. I just kinda wanted to see how a sub $200 tablet really fared. Build wise it seems fine, if not odd that a portable device has a hard wired network port on it. But the Android implimentation is horrendous. Why neuter the OS? Why remove things like USB debugging and other features. Why does everyone want to put their own spin on it and royally mess up the user experience. Can we just have plain android installed on something? I think that would be the ultimate device. Just Android, the market and the stock browser. Let the consumer decide which additional apps THEY want to install. Let them choose if they want a different launcher.

If I can't get this thing working well enough to feel ok in selling it to someone stay tuned for pics and video of it getting blasted by 12G buckshot.
I recently recieved a SuperPAD as a gift but i have no idea which one it is except the box says SuperPAD (with Google) so how do i see what it is?

Ialo have a problem getting my 3G to work on it, if i plug the 3G into any PC its plug and play but not on this TAB any IDEAS?

I see no trash can like a PC is that normal?
I see no 3G Icon is that normal?