What the Nook Color 2 needs to beat the Kindle Fire


Staff member
Mar 24, 2011
By Rachel King | October 28, 2011, 1:44pm PDT Summary: The Kindle Fire is the hottest unreleased gadget out there, but could a Nook Color 2 provide some healthy competition?
If the reports are true, then we can expect to see Barnes & Noble release the second generation of the Nook Color in early November — ahead of the November 15th launch date for Amazon’s Kindle Fire.
The Kindle Fire is probably the more anticipated gadget of the two, mainly because it’s brand new and Amazon already announced it earlier this month after months of speculation.
However, that doesn’t meant that the Nook Color 2 can’t compete. They will definitely have their similarities (more than likely both will have 7-inch touch screens, etc.), and these Android-based devices stretch the boundaries between e-book readers and tablets.
For a long time, many critics argued that the Nook Color was the best Android tablet available. Yet the unveiling of the Kindle Fire also sparked debate that its launch will inspire a whole new category of lower-end tablets that will won’t compete directly with Apple’s iPad.
But the Nook Color 2 going to need to accomplish several things before it can challenge the Kindle Fire, let alone beat it:
The original Nook Color was released at $249, but the Kindle Fire is slated to start $199. There is no way that Barnes & Noble can hope to beat Amazon in this regard without bringing the price down to the same level.
The Kindle Fire will boast a dual-core processor as well as the cloud-leveraged, Amazon Silk “split browser” architecture for speedier surfing. Acknowledging that there are certainly some privacy concerns and questions regarding Silk, the browser on the current Nook Color is still rather boring and not fast at all. A speed boost all-around would be a welcomed upgrade.

It also remains to be seen if B&N could integrate any kind of cloud option whatsoever. That would be an interesting twist, but it’s certainly easier to add for Amazon considering its Web Services unit. So I wouldn’t bet on cloud features this time around. Otherwise, B&N could try to fill the gap with more than 8GB of onboard memory or even including a larger microSD card in the bundle.
This is one area that few players in the tech world that would be able to compete with Amazon, and Barnes & Noble just isn’t one of them. The key selling point (besides the price tag) for the Kindle Fire is that it will bring together nearly every feature from the Amazon ecosystem (i.e. Amazon Instant Video, Cloud Player, Cloud Drive, shopping, etc.) into one neat little bundle on the same device. Boom.
Beyond Barnes & Noble’s extensive digital library and newsstand, it’s doubtful what B&N could do in this space. The most competitive feature the Nook Color has in this regard is that it supports the Android Market, thus bringing in plenty of features from elsewhere.
But being that the Kindle Fire runs on a variation of Android as well, Amazon will likely meet the challenge here too. Perhaps the Nook Color will run on Honeycomb or Ice Cream Sandwich? Doubtful, especially considering the price point argument, but one can dream.
I read this article last week when it was originally published. In my opinion this was a very poorly written article. She first poses the question "What the Nook Color 2 needs..." and then promptly goes on to mention three categories that the Nook Color 2 can at most achieve parity with the Kindle Fire (speed, maybe price if they drop down to $199). As a color eReader, I don't think either will appeal to the masses of die hard Kindle/Nook readers out there (the color display and short relatively short battery life don't fly with this market segment).

She fails to mention the year head start that the current NC has in terms of (tablet) development support due to it's bootable uSD card slot. For music, video, and web content delivery I think the low end tablet users will only require one thing... access! Access to all content and apps including the full Andriod Market. Until the KF is rooted (and it will be) being limited to Amazon content will keep a large segment of users away. If the NC2 has a bootable uSD simiar to the original, the NC2 will enjoy the same excitement from the open develpment community as the original.
I read this article last week when it was originally published. In my opinion this was a very poorly written article. She first poses the question "What the Nook Color 2 needs..." and then promptly goes on to mention three categories that the Nook Color 2 can at most achieve parity with the Kindle Fire (speed, maybe price if they drop down to $199). As a color eReader, I don't think either will appeal to the masses of die hard Kindle/Nook readers out there (the color display and short relatively short battery life don't fly with this market segment).

She fails to mention the year head start that the current NC has in terms of (tablet) development support due to it's bootable uSD card slot. For music, video, and web content delivery I think the low end tablet users will only require one thing... access! Access to all content and apps including the full Andriod Market. Until the KF is rooted (and it will be) being limited to Amazon content will keep a large segment of users away. If the NC2 has a bootable uSD simiar to the original, the NC2 will enjoy the same excitement from the open develpment community as the original.

Ha ha I totally agree. I also read this before Spider posted it here and thought the same thing about the article itself. It is still a good post for thought though and fans the flames a little for a Nook color 2.
I read this article last week when it was originally published. In my opinion this was a very poorly written article. She first poses the question "What the Nook Color 2 needs..." and then promptly goes on to mention three categories that the Nook Color 2 can at most achieve parity with the Kindle Fire (speed, maybe price if they drop down to $199). As a color eReader, I don't think either will appeal to the masses of die hard Kindle/Nook readers out there (the color display and short relatively short battery life don't fly with this market segment).

She fails to mention the year head start that the current NC has in terms of (tablet) development support due to it's bootable uSD card slot. For music, video, and web content delivery I think the low end tablet users will only require one thing... access! Access to all content and apps including the full Andriod Market. Until the KF is rooted (and it will be) being limited to Amazon content will keep a large segment of users away. If the NC2 has a bootable uSD simiar to the original, the NC2 will enjoy the same excitement from the open develpment community as the original.

you raise some good points Mark. Of course there's many different angles to look at here, and that article fell short by not mentioning certain points of interest for consumers.

Based on the article, regarding some sort of cloud storage service/option, I think B&N would really do themselves some good justice in this department. Even if it's not something readily available as soon as the Nook Color 2 is launched, at least it would be a positive addition for them to consider in the future.
Great find JP,I didn't know about the microphone on the nook too....I guess Skype is a possibility now.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum
Great find JP,I didn't know about the microphone on the nook too....I guess Skype is a possibility now.

Sent from my NookColor using Android Tablet Forum

I didn't know it either but BoloMK actually posted it and a quick search led me to this comparison which I thought was pretty nice. I like the conclusion too that both devices are very capable and testing them out will probably be the best way for somebody to decide which they prefer.
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