What vendors do you trust to buy a tablet?

Well its not about Vendors. Its all about quality of tablets and contact you make with them . I trust myself because i used most of the tabs and now i am supplier of those tablets. :cool:. If anyone want to know any information about Android tablet, they can pm me. I love sharing knowledge which i have gained after my own experience.:eek:

Security Tips while dealing with Vendors: Always deal with vendors which provide reversible payment method.

Think twice Act wise!
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In the Denver area we are lucky to have a Micro Center. If there's one near where you live go there! you can google them.
merrimobiles. a bit slow but they offer competitive pricing. 6 days to 'process' the order...(that is the mark of a virtual warehouse) 9.5 total days to my door... 10:30 am DHL. No complaints about DHL. Others may whine about them but air freight is way different than UPS (even if they do fly it)....overall very happy with it.
I'm looking to order a tablet within the next few days; I know what I want, but with all the sites selling tabs out there, it's so hard to figure out which has the best rep. ANy recommendations?

I'm leaning towards the Ainol Novo7 Paladin, BTW. Price(including shipping, doesn't have to be the cheapest) is a plus, as is the general reputation of the seller itself. Thanks! :D
I'm looking to order a tablet within the next few days; I know what I want, but with all the sites selling tabs out there, it's so hard to figure out which has the best rep. ANy recommendations?

I'm leaning towards the Ainol Novo7 Paladin, BTW. Price(including shipping, doesn't have to be the cheapest) is a plus, as is the general reputation of the seller itself. Thanks! :D
I think you should try SpeMall. Good luck!;)
I want to know your opinion on trusted vendors. I want to buy a tablet but still don't know where to buy it from. I appreciate your help with this. Thanks!

I Recently purchased the "" ATC 7" Google Android Tablet 2.3 Touch Screen Tablet,.." through EBay. I have made a number of purchases through EBay, and have never had much more than a delay in shipping (a day late,.. not worth whining about). The reason i am chiming in here is this,.. I believed that this was a product manufactured here, in the U.S., at best, or a commercially sound venture with Google and 'ATC LLC'. What I failed to look into, while checking out specifications, and platform information, was, who are 'ATC LLC'?
When the product arrives, the tablet looks fantastic, and upon start up, IS. However, there is only a four panel fold up 'manual' which, in essence, directs the user as one would a child, on how to turn it on,plug it in to charge, ... no hardcore information! Nothing that a moron could not have stumbled upon just fumbling around. That should have been my first indication that something was 'not quite right'. Again, it runs fantastic, is a beautiful Tablet! Until,.. you go to the Google Play site. I am furious over the fact that well over half of the apps listed for the platform (which I discovered is the 2.3.3) are blocked by Google, claiming 'incompatibility'. Their system scans the device, identifies it, and then proceeds to block any attempt to download anything they claim is not compatible. Now, I know this might seem like a good thing at a glance, until this one minor point is brought into focus,.. when this little spot of information is posted before your eyes, in the little blue box, it states that the tablet is a "Chinese Infotmic m7206,.. "
I purchased this through Ebay, who is supporting the Google Tablets advertisements, but nowhere have I read that Google was not in support of this product. What really becomes a kick in the pants is that I have found some of the very same apps that Google claims are not compatible with this tablet, at places which do not auto-connect to their store, downloaded them, and they work fine! Heck, some of the Apps I HAVE downloaded from Google Play have crashed and burned,..
What is the moral of my dialogue? Buy from a store, physical location, get a warranty and service plan. Before you buy, cross reference forums, blogs, and any other source that is not trying to sell you something - get real people who have had issues, and those who have solved them. Anyone who is happy with what they have - and sings too loudly about it, may have REASONS for their song - likely to get you to buy! Listen not to one person, but many. Write notes, ... that is how I ended up here. I wish I had known of this forum, before my purchase, but it likely would not have changed my purchase, just who I bought it from. The Money you think you will save, you will likely "PAY' in aggravation.
I'm having the same confusion.. heard good reviews about Elijah's AliExpress store, RedTabletPC, Androidinabox, McBub, SpeMall, Merimobiles and maybe a few more.. Only if a few satisfied customers could report back, it'd help me and many others. Btw I'm thinking of getting the Cube U30GT, and Androidinabox claim to have it in stock.
It's hard to say, I bought a tablet from mcbub, won't ever be buying from them again. Before purchase company was great after purchase they refuse to keep their word. Now tablet has problems can't get mcbub to respond or replace it. I guess if your tablet never breaks down any company would be OK but if your tablet breaks down an you bought it from mcbub you are sol.