Where are Iconia apps sold?


Jan 25, 2012
The stores in my area sell lots of accessories for Apple. Almost none for my Iconia. I do not like to buy online.
Are there stores that sell accessories in the US?
Apps are "sold" in either the Android or Amazon Android markets.
Accessories are sold at Wal-Mart, Best Buy and some office supply stores.
I've bought all my accessories from Amazon. They seem to have the biggest selection. Acer also has a small selection of accessories. Compatible items should have Acer Iconia A500 in the description or details (cases, covers, charges, etc). Other compatible items will have "Android 3.+" listed somewhere.

Amazon.com: iconia a500 accessories
I am looking for a stylus that has a smaller point than my fingertip. I haven't found any.

I want to keep my money in my local economy.

There are very few capacitive stylii that have a tip smaller than a finger. For fine point, the two best I have seen are Dagi and Adonit Jot. They are fine point, but have a clear disc to get the proper surface area. Sadly, they are most likely not available locally.

Beyond that, I think a 7mm stylus tip is the smallest I have seen.

Also, any stylus that works with iPhone/iPad should work with the Acer tablets. They are probably not going to say works with Acer Iconia because the Iconia has such a small market share itself and iPad is still the big dog for market share.