Where to buy Archos in stock?


Nov 2, 2010
just ordered got a discount and next day shipping!!! woo whooo

8gig only though!
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Just ordered mine as well. Shipping was not at Archos expense, but it was like $8 for ground shipping. I paid $277.49 with overnight shipping, hopefully ill get it by the end of the week, Monday is ok too! :)
Just tried ordering from Archos direct. They will not ship to Australia. The Australian reseller minidisc is $419 compared to $274US sellers. Now with the Aus$ almost parity with US - how come so expensive over here??????
oh wtf really?

one of my friends is going to the states in a month or so, can you buy archos in stores? she could pick one up.
Does anyone know where I can order it and ship it to Romania? On the Archos website currently Romania is not supported even though we are in Europe.
Getting all tingly thinking that the pre-orders might be on there way (hopefully canada shipments are same as US shipments). :)
Just got a reply from where I pre'ordered asking about delivery, let me quote him "They are in transit" :)
Just got a reply from where I pre'ordered asking about delivery, let me quote him "They are in transit" :)

Could not resist the urge and got one. Overnight shipping to NE U.S. Same price as prior poster AndroidCircuit, including discount.
mine shipped!!!!!! just got my email . it dont show up on ups site yet but that is common with just shipped item. finally i am gonna get it. i overnighted so tomrrow!!!!!!!! omg omg omg
mine shipped!!!!!! just got my email . it dont show up on ups site yet but that is common with just shipped item. finally i am gonna get it. i overnighted so tomrrow!!!!!!!! omg omg omg

Lucky!!! i didn't get my confirmation yet!!
It is showing now as notify me in the Archosdotcom store , from where did you order it ??

yeah i ordered straight from the archosstore. i love the internet. News feeds, twitter and forum subscribtions by email keeps one very informed. I LOVE THE AGE WE LIVE IN. heh