Where to Obtain Chinese ICS 4.04


Nov 14, 2013
I have been trying my best to get a friends Chinese p6800 onto a version of Android with Google Play access.

After doing some searching decided if i just installed the Jellybean update it would do what i wanted. No version was available for China so i just tried another version I booted the tablet into download mode and installed. Odin said it installed ok but the tablet is now just stuck on the Samsung Logo. Was this the right way to install this? Kies now does not reconise the tablet but odin does and i can still install in download mode.

Can anybody advise me what i can do to get the tablet booting Android again? Please help i am getting rather desperate
I don't have a Samsung device, so I don't know whether Odin or Kies has the capability, but did you make a backup of the original firmware before attempting to do the upgrade? If so, restore that firmware and the tablet should function again. If you didn't, then unless there is an available firmware that does work on the tablet, you may well be stuck.

However, since I don't have a Samsung device, a more definitive answer will have to wait until someone that has this tablet can chime in.
Thanks for the reply, no i did not back the firmware up, i know that was stupid i have learned a lesson for the future that is for sure.

Hoping somebody who knows Samsung devices maybe able to point me in the right direction, or at least where to get the Chinese ICS 4.04 so i can restore myself.