Which tablet should I get? Dell Inspiron Duo, Galaxy Tab 10.1 or Other


Sep 18, 2011
So I have a really good gaming pc that should last me for a long time but I'm traveling a lot as well so I want a small device to watch HD videos(youtube), watch movies on netflix and listen to music and such, I've looked at the iPad and iPod, but they really turn me off for two reasons, one, they have a mac background(obviously) and I despise mac, and two the iPod touch has a very small screen, so in my case, it's hard to watch, for example, SC2 VODs and really see the gameplay clearly. I have done a bit of research and have seen that the Galaxy Tab has much better specs than the iPad so...

Another product I've looked at is the Dell Inspiron Duo, but at one point I was really turned off from it, because in many reviews, it had been said to be slow, but have no fear! if you install Ubuntu OS, it works just fine, it seems very fast and responsive and another plus is it has two modes, a netbook mode, very nice mostly because of the keyboard, and the Tablet mode, where it works just like any other tablet, another plus with this is that it has a full OS on it(windows 7) so it's not limited in what you may do, like the Galaxy Tab for example, you still have a desktop and another thing is it can hold 500GB worth of files, which is pretty standard for most laptops but the Galaxy Tab can only hold up to 16GB, which, considering all the video media is going to be streamed via youtube or netflix, wont be a big deal, I think I'll have under 16GB worth of music files.

So I'm leaning more towards the Dell Inspiron Duo, but my main concern is still the speed of both of these, as I've said before, I want to be able to watch youtube videos in 720p with no lag and Netflix movies in HD, and so far I haent been able to get a straight answer, the closest I've gotten is from the specs of the Galaxy Tab 10.1 where it says "1080p video playback at 30FPS" but i dont know if they mean youtube or just videos in the system, so if someone could help that'd be great
On the Duo, I've heard alot of complaints on the screen, and in general, which is why I didn't get one myself. I would definitely go with the Galaxy there, or even better, wait for new Tabs, because there's so much competition right now to beat the iPad I'm sure there will be awesome releases/ prices nearer to the holiday season.

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My wife had an inspiron duo, but returned it because she liked using my tablet better. Even when I installed Ubuntu on the duo, it still felt like a half-hearted attempt at being a tablet. It was too bulky, and you were lucky to get 3 hours of battery life on a full charge.

Sent from my A500 using Android Tablet Forum
If you're considering something like the Duo, and are willing to pay the price of something like it or the Galaxy Tab ($499+) then what about the ASUS Eee Pad Transformer? Best hybrid laptop-tablet out there IMHO - and with the Keyboard dock + battery it's the same price as the GTab.

The build on the Samsung is clearly better, and it is much thinner/lighter - but the Transformer is very flexible, with mini-HDMI, Micro SD, and 2 USB ports on the dock.
Definitely a good point there.. the Transformer seems to have what you need.

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