Which tablet to keep? So torn between the 2


Apr 5, 2011
So I have on my hands a Nexus 7 With JB and the Toshiba excite 7.7. I just can't make up my mind.

The nexus 7 is cheaper, direct updates from Google and the newest Jelly bean OS with all other cool features

The Toshiba Excite 7.7 has the awesome AMOLED screen, expansion slot and bigger screen.

Biggest thing is I feel like I want a bigger screen real estate but still be portable and light, which is where the excite 7.7 comes in. But the lack of updates and OS upgrade is troubling. Where as the nexus 7 will get tons of upgrades and support. Not to mention community support

So tough..
I like an 8inch screen will not buy another 7inch screen, so I would go with the 7.7 screen.
Well, yeah I would return almost 500 dollar tablet in a heartbeat. Didn't know it cost that much. I don't have that much invested in all 3 tablets combined.
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Keep the Nexus Tablet. Way more bang for the buck and you can save the difference towards your next tablet. The Nexus will serve you well until you save up and are ready for something else down the road.
I really like the AMOLED and the bigger screen. It doesn't sound like much but when it's actually does make a difference. My Wife has an ipad (1st gen still going strong) and I do user a playbook at work (work only) but I wanted to have a personal tablet for myself.
The Toshiba is definitely nice but costs twice as much. In a way you have asked for an apples to oranges comparison between these two tablets. If you think the features are worth the cost then go for it. One other thing to consider is that there are other quite nice tablets once you get into that $500 range. Just make sure you consider the other options in that range as well for a more apples to apples idea of what you can get for the money.
The Toshiba is definitely nice but costs twice as much. In a way you have asked for an apples to oranges comparison between these two tablets. If you think the features are worth the cost then go for it. One other thing to consider is that there are other quite nice tablets once you get into that $500 range. Just make sure you consider the other options in that range as well for a more apples to apples idea of what you can get for the money.

yeah I was thinking about the new Apple Ipad and the rest of the other 10 inch tablets. Problem is the weight, most of them are 1.2-1.4lbs, a tad heavy for single hand hold when you're riding a wobbly or crowded train.

I understand that it is a orange to apples comparison in some form. If the nexus was running just ICS and not jelly bean I'd probably just go with the Toshiba but that's not the case. Jellybean OS is pretty nice.
Well, you can never assume anything when it comes to the OEMs but it is highly likely that Toshiba will update to Jelly Bean. You just have to keep the expectation realistic about them doing so. If they do update then it will likely be months before you see it. Maybe even as long as a year. Since JB is a minor update from ICS though it might be quicker than the transition from Android < ICS to ICS but again you have to temper the expectations with what the OEMs have done previously (slow updates).

It sounds like you are leaning towards the Toshiba. In that case go for it. ICS is plenty fine and will run great on those specs. The cherry on top (pardon the pun) will be a potential upgrade to JB this time next year bringing a refreshing update to a device you have settled into by then.
Well, you can never assume anything when it comes to the OEMs but it is highly likely that Toshiba will update to Jelly Bean. You just have to keep the expectation realistic about them doing so. If they do update then it will likely be months before you see it. Maybe even as long as a year. Since JB is a minor update from ICS though it might be quicker than the transition from Android < ICS to ICS but again you have to temper the expectations with what the OEMs have done previously (slow updates).

It sounds like you are leaning towards the Toshiba. In that case go for it. ICS is plenty fine and will run great on those specs. The cherry on top (pardon the pun) will be a potential upgrade to JB this time next year bringing a refreshing update to a device you have settled into by then.

Yeah i am leaning toward the to toshiba. The only thing holding me back there is the os and the cheaper price of the nExus
Price is a consideration but I don't think the OS is unless you absolutely need the features of JB. It has some nice touches but I don't think anything in there is a game changer as far as the OS goes. If you get what you want at a higher price and are ok with that price then Toshiba. If you aren't sure about the whole tablet thing and what is around the bend then go for the Nexus to use for the next year or two and use the saving towards the next killer tablet you just don't know you want yet ;) Android is going to continue to evolve so what is available today won't matter tomorrow. Get what is out now and worry about Jelly Beans and Key Lime Pies on your next device.

Things may be slowing on the hardware front with costs being pushed down to the minimums and the 7" form factor being the go-to size. That means less incentive to make power houses larger than 7" (since no body is buying them compared to budget buster 7 inchers). So unlike a year ago you may be able to live with a more expensive tablet a while longer before it becomes obsolete by another tablet in that size and price. On the other hand you may just want to ride the tide in the 7" department which should allow you to buy a tablet twice as frequently with the specs improving in each iteration. It really depends on if you want an apple (the comparison kind not the brand kind although maybe that if you are so inclined) or an orange.
Price is a consideration but I don't think the OS is unless you absolutely need the features of JB. It has some nice touches but I don't think anything in there is a game changer as far as the OS goes. If you get what you want at a higher price and are ok with that price then Toshiba. If you aren't sure about the whole tablet thing and what is around the bend then go for the Nexus to use for the next year or two and use the saving towards the next killer tablet you just don't know you want yet ;) Android is going to continue to evolve so what is available today won't matter tomorrow. Get what is out now and worry about Jelly Beans and Key Lime Pies on your next device.

Things may be slowing on the hardware front with costs being pushed down to the minimums and the 7" form factor being the go-to size. That means less incentive to make power houses larger than 7" (since no body is buying them compared to budget buster 7 inchers). So unlike a year ago you may be able to live with a more expensive tablet a while longer before it becomes obsolete by another tablet in that size and price. On the other hand you may just want to ride the tide in the 7" department which should allow you to buy a tablet twice as frequently with the specs improving in each iteration. It really depends on if you want an apple (the comparison kind not the brand kind although maybe that if you are so inclined) or an orange.

Thanks for all the advice. After thinking about it and my wants I've decided to return the nexus 7. It's a great tablet and if this was my first tablet (or into rooting/roms) I would have kept the nexus, use it for a while and then decide where I want to go. But I have experiences with 7 and 10 inch tablets already and for me I really wanted something exceptional in the display. For $484 I do have a lot of options, a lot of nice tablets with more features but all of them are over 1lb which for me anyway is a deal breaker (never been tempted by the asus TF300 or TF700). And none of them have an AMOLED screen. When my wife's 1st gen ipad dies she'll probaby buy another new ipad since she finds it more useful than my pc.

It's a lot of money for the excite when compared to other tablets but i guess the intangabiles are not easy to price. Thanks for all the help, I really appreciate it. It's been a long tough and painful choice as both are really nice and there is no real "loser" between the 2.
Why not confuse you a l little more giving you another option?:-D But i'm not really doing it for the fun of it but because I was looking at the 2 same tablets you are looking. I started with the nexus because the specs and the price but I needed a screen a little bigger so I was looking at the excite.I don't remember how I came across and took in consideration the galaxy 8.9, probably because I definitely didn't want a10 " and didn't want to pay the price of the Toshiba 7.7 . Anyway,I bought the Samsung, it just got upgraded to ICS ,great size and super slim and light and you can find it on Ebay used or refurbished for 270. Mine is used, it looks new, is perfect and has the Sim card slot, good if I ever need to get some data from AT&R.E.M. Check it out!:)
Why not confuse you a l little more giving you another option?:-D But i'm not really doing it for the fun of it but because I was looking at the 2 same tablets you are looking. I started with the nexus because the specs and the price but I needed a screen a little bigger so I was looking at the excite.I don't remember how I came across and took in consideration the galaxy 8.9, probably because I definitely didn't want a10 " and didn't want to pay the price of the Toshiba 7.7 . Anyway,I bought the Samsung, it just got upgraded to ICS ,great size and super slim and light and you can find it on Ebay used or refurbished for 270. Mine is used, it looks new, is perfect and has the Sim card slot, good if I ever need to get some data from AT&R.E.M. Check it out!:)

Thanks for the advice, I was thinking about getting the samsung 8.9 when it first came out. But i don't remember the US version ever had a sim slot. I played with it and i did like the size and weight but at that time the os was a little laggy and I really wasn't a fan of the touchwiz UI. If that had came with stock android I probably would have owned it at some point. I'm happy that they upgraded it to ICS, samsung seems slow at times with what they want to upgrade and what not. Honestly, sometimes i think OEM's would probably sell more tablets if they just left android stick without all the theming.

It's a bit to late now I've returned the Nexus 7 and I have to say I'm actually sort of happy with the excite 7.7. It is expensive no doubt and I wish I had the patience to wait for it to go cheaper. Here's hoping no burn in :O
i would keep the nexus. you can use cloud storage or add a usb pen drive when needed i dont think screen will make so much difference on a small screen tab, ok it may look a little better but is it really worth all that expense? its ultimately your choice but if you consider the difference in price, in a few more months the technology that costs so much now will be available at a more affordable price, i'm sure the nexus will tide you over more than anough until then.