Which tablet to keep? So torn between the 2

So I have on my hands a Nexus 7 With JB and the Toshiba excite 7.7. I just can't make up my mind.

The nexus 7 is cheaper, direct updates from Google and the newest Jelly bean OS with all other cool features

The Toshiba Excite 7.7 has the awesome AMOLED screen, expansion slot and bigger screen.

Biggest thing is I feel like I want a bigger screen real estate but still be portable and light, which is where the excite 7.7 comes in. But the lack of updates and OS upgrade is troubling. Where as the nexus 7 will get tons of upgrades and support. Not to mention community support

So tough..
For me it is easy, the Excite is the keeper. For me, Jellybean is a small player in the decision. What I would be looking at is over all hardware and ports and SD slots. The Excite has all the above and the Nexus has none of the above. In my most humble opinion the Nexus 7 is nothing more than a glorified KindleFire.
So were I in your shoes looking at which one to sell I would sell the Nexus 7, the Excite has so much more going for it than the Nexus, as for JB? The Excite will get it eventually, but just say it doesn't get it from Toshiba. ICS is still very new and usable. And the android community will figure root out on the Excite if they havent already and you will be able to install a JB/ROM on it if it is really that important, I still have a tablet running ginger bread and I would prefer it over the Nexus because it has ports and expandable memory.
Google going the Apple way on this product just tells me that Google is not paying attention to what we the paying customers want, they just think they know better and want to force their ideas on us.
Much like our government. And both are wrong. We know what we want or at least I do, and the Nexus 7 at any price above free is useless to me.
My two cents.
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For me it is easy, the Excite is the keeper. For me, Jellybean is a small player in the decision. What I would be looking at is over all hardware and ports and SD slots. The Excite has all the above and the Nexus has none of the above. In my most humble opinion the Nexus 7 is nothing more than a glorified KindleFire.
So were I in your shoes looking at which one to sell I would sell the Nexus 7, the Excite has so much more going for it than the Nexus, as for JB? The Excite will get it eventually, but just say it doesn't get it from Toshiba. ICS is still very new and usable. And the android community will figure root out on the Excite if they havent already and you will be able to install a JB/ROM on it if it is really that important, I still have a tablet running ginger bread and I would prefer it over the Nexus because it has ports and expandable memory.
Google going the Apple way on this product just tells me that Google is not paying attention to what we the paying customers want, they just think they know better and want to force their ideas on us.
Much like our government. And both are wrong. We know what we want or at least I do, and the Nexus 7 at any price above free is useless to me.
My two cents.

Yeah I am happy now with the excite and glad that I made the choice to keep it. I also found out that Toshiba can read Exfat formated micro sd cards. Which means it will read files bigger than 4gigs. So now not only did I expand my storage to 32 gigs but it can read my blue ray rips (over 4 gigs) off the SD card.
Interesting thread. Very split thoughts here. It is sort of like trying to decide to buy a Shelby GT500 Mustang for $55k which is a ton of bang for the buck but has certain limitations or a Porsche 911 for around $100k with a completely different feature set at double the price. Arguments can be made about both but at the end of the day they are two different cars and some will prefer one over the other because of their ideas on what it really is they are looking for personally.
Interesting thread. Very split thoughts here. It is sort of like trying to decide to buy a Shelby GT500 Mustang for $55k which is a ton of bang for the buck but has certain limitations or a Porsche 911 for around $100k with a completely different feature set at double the price. Arguments can be made about both but at the end of the day they are two different cars and some will prefer one over the other because of their ideas on what it really is they are looking for personally.

I so agree. The nexus 7 is a great tablet, it just wasn't a fit for me. Some people will probably call me insane but when I'm watching a movie on my ride to work I have a happy face on :D. And I really really enjoy not having the back light, makes it quite comfortable I must say.
Yeah I am happy now with the excite and glad that I made the choice to keep it. I also found out that Toshiba can read Exfat formated micro sd cards. Which means it will read files bigger than 4gigs. So now not only did I expand my storage to 32 gigs but it can read my blue ray rips (over 4 gigs) off the SD card.

So you kept the excite. What was your overall opinions of it. Can we get a detailed overview of your pros and cons list on it and on the nexus.
For me the nexus is a no buy but as was pointed out, what works for one for whatever reasons may not be right for another for other reasons.
If you could. Tell us where your second thoughts came in on both units, what the pros and cons were for each and what made the final decision on the unit you kept.